Flirting Made Easy: 9 Simple Techniques to Win Their Heart

December 4, 2023

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Flirting is key for showing attraction when meeting someone you’re interested in. It is an essential part of human evolution despite potentially being awkward and challenging at times. If you struggle with flirting, don’t fret. This article will provide you with all the information you need to know to flirt with guys successfully.

What Holds You Back From Flirting

Do you ever feel intimidated by flirting? You’re not alone. It’s normal to hesitate when you spot someone who catches your eye. The truth is, not everyone is a natural-born flirt.

Maybe you’re introverted, lack self-confidence, or have been rejected in the past. Or perhaps someone once made fun of you when you tried to flirt, and now you feel like you don’t know what to say to a near stranger. Maybe you’re nervous about looking dumb or unsure if someone is flirting with you.

But don’t worry! Flirting can be tricky, but it’s also a lot of fun. And with a bit of practice, anyone can improve their skills.

Just a reminder, even the most experienced flirter gets nervous sometimes. So, if he’s into you, he’s probably feeling some of those nerves. Don’t worry; it’s normal to feel vulnerable. In fact, being a little vulnerable can actually bring you two closer together. You can even laugh about your jitters; if things go well, you can laugh about how you met in the future!

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But What If He Doesn’t Feel The Same?

Don’t worry; you didn’t lose anything. You’re still in the same boat as before you put yourself out there. And the good news is that you can pat yourself on the back for trying and learning from the experience. Remember, every shot you take is one step closer to your goal!

It’s easy to think you don’t need to flirt when you’re in a relationship, but that’s just not true! Friendly flirting can keep the spark alive and make your connection even stronger. Don’t hold back because you think you don’t need to.

Well, I’m In A Relationship.

Flirting is not just about meeting the guy of your dreams – it’s also about keeping him. Many women make mistakes when flirting, but you can keep your partner attracted and your relationship strong with the right approach.

Flirting is the key to keeping your man hooked in your relationship! If you don’t want to lose him, keep the spark alive by continuing to flirt. Believe me; it works wonders!

If you’re trying to attract a guy, you’ll hear the same advice from dating experts everywhere: You must flirt! Flirting is not just fun; it’s a great way to get a guy’s attention.

Recommended Reading: How Keep The Spark Alive 

But they aren’t telling you to stop flirting when you enter a relationship. Don’t let those sparks die out! You should keep up some degree of flirtation with your guy every day.

Trust us, a little flirtation goes a long way toward keeping things fun and exciting. Give it a shot!

Flirting with and talking dirty to him is the perfect way to build sexual tension, turn him on and keep him thinking about you.

A Flirting Overview

We’ll break down individual aspects of the stages of flirting below. Here’s a quick rundown if you’re absolutely unsure of how to flirt!

You spot him across the room – and he’s a real looker. Maybe you’re at the bar or a party, or perhaps a mutual friend has introduced you. As your eyes lock, watch for his smile. It’s a great sign he’s ready to flirt. Time to switch on the body language – lick or bite your lip, run your fingers through your hair, or touch your collarbone – do whatever feels comfortable!

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Now, if it’s a noisy room, you’ll have to get close to show him your charm with words (although that may not always be the goal!). If you’ve just been introduced, keep the conversation flowing and ask him about himself.

Or, summon your courage and take the initiative to approach him. If that feels too daunting, use the excuse of popping to the bar, browsing some artwork nearby, or taking a seat near him. Just get close enough to churn up some chemistry!

Let’s start the conversation!

At this point, you may not know a lot about the shared venue or the person you’re speaking to, which could make choosing topics difficult. However, commenting on commonalities is a great way to break the ice.

Think of something interesting to say that’s both engaging and relatable. Want to try something a little wild? Share a piece of trivia or tell a joke! Keep it friendly and relatable; you don’t want to appear too weird!

If you want to take it further:

  1. Don’t forget to exchange numbers

  2.  Although it can feel like a big move, remember that many guys appreciate it when women take the initiative

  3.  So don’t worry – if he’s interested, he’ll be happy to swap digits unless, of course, he’s already taken

Leaving a conversation that’s going nowhere is a subtle art.

Don’t beat yourself up if every interaction isn’t perfect. Recognize the power of calling it when it’s not working out. But when it is going well, why not leave your crush wanting more?

Maybe hop over to another area of the bar or party and playfully tell them where to find you. If it’s feeling right, you could even leave before swapping numbers to keep them anticipating your next move. It’s a bit of a gamble, but if you’re lucky enough to have a mutual friend, they may be able to connect you two later on.

It might not seem like it, but leaving the conversation is sometimes the most important part of flirting. Overstaying your welcome can turn a positive interaction into a negative one, but you don’t want to look like a coward, either.

Instead, look for a natural break in the conversation. If you didn’t get his number, that’s okay – leave him with a smile and a good impression. Who knows what might happen next?

This leads us to our next point.

Knowing When to Flirt

Flirting can be fun and exciting, but knowing when and where to do it is key! While some settings are more conducive to flirting than others (hellooo, a party!), it’s essential to be aware of your role and workplace dynamics. Remember, never cross the line of professional conduct with a subordinate.

Also, remember that it can be tough to distinguish between friendliness and flirtation, especially if someone is just doing their job. So, play it safe, and don’t assume that a friendly employee is flirting with you. Keep the flirting to appropriate settings and enjoy the thrill of it all!

If you’re at a bar or party and notice someone you’re interested in, take a deep breath and follow these tips to make a great first impression.

First and foremost, be aware of your surroundings. Check to make sure that the person you’re interested in isn’t already engaged with someone else or in the middle of an activity. Interrupting someone can be rude or obnoxious, putting a damper on your evening.

If everything is clear and you feel confident, try to initiate a conversation. He might be especially receptive if he’s alone, but be mindful that he could be waiting for someone.

To make a great impression, try to be as bold as you feel comfortable with. You could flirtatiously ask his friend to introduce you or go up to him and say, “I just had to figure out who you are and what you’re about.”

Taking the initiative can earn you some serious points and might just lead to the start of a great conversation or even a new relationship.

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What Works When Flirting With Guys

Want to know how to flirt with a guy? Below, you’ll find some pretty foolproof tips. Looking for more specific techniques?

1. Use Competition

Add some friendly competition- it can be a great way to show off your fun side! Focusing on the competition helps you let loose and have fun. Plus, it’s exhilarating and can make your heart race (just like flirting!). That’s why first-date activities that get your heart pumping are recommended.

Also, keep in mind that many men are a bit competitive. They can’t resist the urge to win, and if you’re a skillful challenger, you’ll earn their respect in the process. It’s a great feeling when a guy associates the thrill of competition with you- like you’re a breath of fresh air!

2. Playfully Tease Him

Flirting should be fun and playful, not something to be feared. One of the simplest ways to flirt with a man is by teasing him. Lightly ribbing him will show that you’re comfortable holding your own and not intimidated by him. This is important because feeling in control is the difference between flirting and being mean.

You want to let him know you’re interested but still make it clear that you won’t take any of his nonsense. Keep the teasing light-hearted and fun. Mean-spirited comments will backfire and make you come across as rude. Remember, your goal is to get a reaction out of him, not to offend him.

Here are some teasing examples you could use:

  • “Your mom always gets you the best clothes, loving those shoes!” Be playful and add a devilish smile to show that you’re joking.

  • “Wow, I didn’t know people still say that. What age are you again?” Use this one the next time he throws out an old catchphrase.

3. Flirty Body Language

Hey, have you ever read “The Five Love Languages”? Well, there’s a book out there that’s similar, but instead, it’s all about the art of flirting! It’s called “The Five Flirting Styles,” and it’s written by a communication professor named Jeffrey Hall.

So, what are these five different flirting styles that Hall talks about? Let me break it down for you:

  • Physical: You’re the type of person who prefers to show your interest through playful touching, like poking or nudging. You use body language to convey your affection, and you’re not afraid to get up close and personal.

  • Traditional: You like to take things slow and have a man make the first move. You’re coy and tend to be more reserved in your flirting, but that doesn’t mean you’re not interested!

  • Polite: If you’re trying to flirt with someone you don’t know very well, you’re polite about it. You don’t use crude language or invade someone’s personal space. It’s all about respecting the other person’s boundaries.

  • Sincere: You’re an honest person who wants to connect with someone on a deeper level. You’re not interested in playing games and don’t see the point in fake laughter or insincere compliments.

  • Playful: For you, flirting is all about having fun! You like to flirt just for the sake of flirting, even if you’re not necessarily interested in the person you’re flirting with. You’re pretty easy to read, and there’s never a dull moment with you around.

Knowing your particular flirting style can make a big difference in the dating game. It can help explain why someone might not be picking up on your signals, or you’re having trouble connecting with someone whose style is different from yours.

Remember, different flirting styles can vary, so always be aware of that when trying to flirt with someone new!

4. Be A Flirtier Version Of Yourself, Not Someone Else

When flirting you might find yourself trying to imitate someone else, focusing on how to act sexy or flirtatious, only to end up being awkward or not taken seriously. But here’s a tip: the key to flirting with a guy is to just be a flirtier version of yourself.

So how do you do that? For starters, amp up your smiles, laughter, touching, energy, and extroversion. But remember, don’t try to be someone else. Intensify those traits in yourself while staying true to who you are.

Remember: low energy means less flirting and less flirting means lower attractiveness. So put yourself out there, be confident, and let your natural charm shine through. You got this!

5. Touch Him

Flirting can take many forms and is a fun way to establish connections with people. For instance, physically flirting with a man can be an enjoyable and powerful experience that can turn him on. It’s one of the most effective ways to flirt with a guy.

So how can you physically flirt with a man?

A great starting point is tapping him on the wrong shoulder. While it may seem childish, it works well. The idea is to sneak up behind him, move slightly to the left of him, and tap him on his right shoulder. He will turn to his right, see nobody there, and realize he’s being messed with. Then when he turns back to you, just smile.

Another playful trick is the “hand is bigger than your face” game. During the conversation, tell him that if your hand is bigger than your face, you’re three times more likely to get cancer. As he puts his hand to his face to check, gently push his hand towards his face and say, “Gotcha!” It may be a little embarrassing for him, but it’s an excellent way to flirt physically.

If you want to add more cheekiness, try the “something on your sweater” or “your shoes are untied” trick. Both are well-known, yet he will still fall for them. For the former, look towards his sweater and then point to it. Then tell him he has something on it. As he looks down, move your hand upwards, and flick his nose lightly. Don’t forget a cheeky smile!

These examples may seem childish, but they work because they are playful, fun, and flirty. So don’t be afraid to let loose, have fun, and let your playful side shine through during your flirting moments.

6. Make It Personal

Have you ever tried flirting with someone, only to realize they’ve already heard it all? Even if you’re just hoping for a fun evening, constantly relying on a template can feel fake and insincere. It’s natural to worry about what to say next when conversation stalls, but it’s easy to break out of the mold with a little practice.

Here’s a better approach:

  • Focus on the person you’re trying to connect with.

  • Take a moment to notice something unique about them – maybe their outfit, drink, or something interesting they said.

  • Use that as a conversation starter, and let the discussion flow naturally. When you listen attentively and respond with genuine interest, you’re sure to connect on a deeper level.

So forget about templates and rehearsed lines – be yourself, and enjoy the experience!

7. Get a Little Dirty

Flirting can be done in different ways. While talking dirty to your man can turn him on and make him think of you, teasing him can also create an element of mystery and make him desire you more.

But before you get too excited, here’s a word of caution. If you’re not in a relationship yet, it’s best to hold off on the dirty talk until you’re more comfortable with your guy. However, hinting at your naughty side can get a guy’s attention and make him see you in a new light. So, go ahead and have some fun with your flirting!

Recommended Reading: 53 Questions That Are A Little Dirty

8. Keep the Conversation Going

Flirting is an art, and keeping a conversation flowing naturally is a crucial part of it. It’s not always easy, though, especially if you’re a bit shy or tend to talk too much. Nobody wants to be that person who won’t shut up.

Here’s a tip: pick up on something he said earlier and use that as a springboard to keep chatting. It’s a great way to avoid awkward pauses and keep the conversation open.

Also, try to avoid questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”

Instead, ask questions that require a bit more elaboration.

For example, ask, “Tell me about your family” instead of “Do you have any siblings.” This will help keep the conversation going and show that you’re interested in getting to know him better.

Plus, you might get bonus points for being a great conversationalist and a flirter extraordinaire!

9. Enjoy It

If you’re not naturally social or excellent at flirting, the idea of it being fun might seem counterintuitive. But let me tell you, it absolutely can be!

Instead of overthinking every interaction, focus on stepping outside your comfort zone and enjoying the thrill of flirting. Who knows, you may even show off a bit and have a great time interacting with someone in a playful way!

Tips When Flirting With a Guy

Approaching a new romantic interest can be daunting, but going in with a “Do nots” checklist will only make you overly cautious and might even cause you to do the things you want to avoid.

Instead, keep things light and positive, and try not to divulge too much too soon. Show off your confidence and let him wonder about the mystery that is you.

Remember: it’s all about having fun with the process–whether the outcome is good or bad. Either way, there’s always a next time to get it right!

How To Know If He Is Flirting Back?

Flirting can be super fun, but knowing when things are going well is essential. So, what are the signs that you’re hitting it off with that cute guy? First, pay attention to his body language. Is he facing you, leaning in, and acting totally open? If so, you’re definitely on the right track!

Another thing to look out for is his behavior. Is he smiling, laughing, and teasing you right back? That’s a great sign! But, if he seems distant or aloof, he may not feel it.

Of course, it’s not always easy to know what’s going on.

Luckily, your friends can be a great resource! If you’re still not sure, don’t stress. Remember, flirting can mean different things to different people. So, just enjoy the moment without putting too much pressure on yourself. Who knows, maybe it’ll lead to something more!

How To Know If He’s Not Interested?

It’s frustrating when you’re crushing on a guy, but you can’t tell if he feels the same way. Don’t worry – it’s possible he’s just shy or hasn’t picked up on your cues. Or maybe you’re not being direct enough with your flirting.

On the other hand, it’s important to keep in mind that some people on the autism spectrum may struggle with recognizing flirting cues, and this can make them react differently to your advances. In this case, the best approach is to be upfront about your feelings and tell him that you like him or suggest going out together. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Happy Flirting!

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