Navigating the Changing Stages of Relationships – Tips For Lasting Love | Simply Midori


How to Survive and Thrive in the Five Stages of Love

A Guide for Everyone in a Relationship, Single or Already Married

Love and relationships can be one of life’s most thrilling adventures. From the initial excitement of a new connection to the deep dedication to marriage, every stage has its highs and lows. But for love to truly last, couples must learn how to navigate each stage –together– meaningfully and effectively. Whether you’re starting with a crush or have been in a committed partnership for years, this guide offers valuable insights into understanding relationships at any level—and tips on creating lasting love!

The First Stage of a Relationships: Love’s Intoxicating High

So, you’re in that exhilarating stage where everything your new partner does seems perfect. Your heart flutters, and you can’t stop grinning like a fool. Congratulations, my friend, you are officially smitten!

It’s the phase that makes us giddy, giggly, and downright obsessed with our partners. The honeymoon phase, or the euphoric stage, is the initial rush of romance that consumes us when we first fall in love. It’s the fresh, intense, and passionate love we all experience at the beginning of a relationship.

In this stage, couples feel an all-consuming joy in each other’s presence and enjoy passionate, insatiable make-out sessions or more. They believe they’ve found their perfect match or even their soulmate. They start merging life and often forget about boundaries.

But be warned: this stage is a fantasy. It’s a make-believe world that shuts down our rational reasoning—couples in this stage experience biochemical changes in their brain. 

They have a cocktail of happy hormones coursing through their body – such as oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins – which initiate and maintain a state of intense infatuation.

This brain glow can often lead us to become “addicted” to our partners and ignore incompatibilitiesred flags, or other issuesThe idealized perspective makes everything seem perfect.

Don’t Get Lost in Love’s Haze: Take a Step Back and Assess Your Relationship

Oh, the thrill of a new romance! The butterflies in your stomach, the constant texting, the endless daydreaming. It’s all so exciting and, frankly, addicting. But before you get swept away in a love-induced frenzy, it’s essential to reflect on your relationship and ask yourself some tough questions.

Sure, your emotions are heightened, and your heart is racing, but don’t let your infatuation cloud your judgment. Take a deep breath and honestly assess if this person is truly the best match for you in the long run. Are your values and goals aligned? Do you share similar interests and beliefs? Can you picture a future together? Here are 5 crucial questions you can start asking to determine your compatibility.

Of course, this is easier said than done. That’s why seeking advice from your most trusted friends and confidants are crucial. Surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth, even if it’s not what you want to hear. They can help you identify any potential red flags you might be missing while under the spell of love’s biochemical potion.

Don’t neglect your own life and friendships outside of your new romance. Invest time in the hobbies and activities that make you happy, and nurture your existing relationships with friends who have your best interests at heart. Maintaining a healthy balance will help you see things more clearly and avoid getting lost in the haze of love.

Remember, the initial rush of infatuation will eventually fade away. Don’t sacrifice your long-term happiness for short-term pleasure. Make a conscious effort to step back and assess your relationship objectively. By doing so, you can make a more informed decision about your future with this person.

The Second Stage of a Relationship: When the Rose-Colored Glasses Come Off

Stage 1 is that feeling when you first fall in love. The world seemed brighter, the birds sang sweeter, and your partner’s work was pure magic. Ah, those rose-colored glasses. But at stage 2, they are starting to come off.

In the next stage of love, the ventral pallidum in our brains, responsible for feelings of attachment, kicks into gear. We start to see our partners as they are, flaws and all. Suddenly, those little quirks that were once endearing are now annoying. Their reliability feels rigid, their generosity seems irresponsible, and their adventurous spirit feels like a reckless risk.

But don’t worry; you’re not alone. This is a natural part of the evolution of love. As we start to see our partners as people with their wants and needs, friction is bound to happen. Power struggles increase, and we’re forced to confront that we’re not exactly alike.

As conflict begins to emerge, it may feel mild at first. We still feel “in love,” but our feelings mix with alienation and irritation. We start to wonder if we’re perfect for each other. And as disappointment escalates, so do our biological responses to stress.

We may want to fight or withdraw depending on our personality and circumstances. We may even start to question the relationship altogether. 

But don’t worry; it’s all part of the process.

The good news is that we haven’t yet reached the point where we’re facing more significant conflicts. We haven’t started talking about the more severe issues that are necessary to work through for the success of a long-term relationship. So, take a deep breath and keep on truckin’. There’s still more to come in the evolution of love.

  • Tip: Remember, it’s okay to have differences with your partner. It’s what makes your relationship unique and exciting. Instead of fighting against each other, embrace your differences and find ways to compromise.

Navigating When Love Gets Real

You’ll know you’ve reached this stage when you can finally sleep again. Instead of obsessing over your partner 24/7, you can think of other things. Your love will deepen and grow as you get to know your partner better. You’ll have gone through some tough times together, which will bring you closer.

That’s why conflict management skills are essential in this stage. Learn how to de-escalate conflicts and face relationship problems head-on while treating each other with care and respect.

Power struggles and arguments are expected, so don’t assume that love is ending or the relationship isn’t working when they happen. However, it’s crucial to identify the difference between healthy disagreement and unhealthy control issues. 

The former can be worked through, while the latter may be a sign that it’s time to break up.

This stage is also an excellent time to learn your love languages. There are five love languages; each person must know how their partner wants to receive love.

As you navigate this stage, you might confide in your friends or feel disappointed that your feelings aren’t as intense as before. You might even sabotage the relationship by dating others or starting arguments. 

But, if you notice your partner having reservations, don’t jump to the conclusion that they want to break up prematurely. And, if you find yourself fixating on their flaws or behaviors, remember that your partner is just a human with positive and negative traits.

So, ask yourself, how does this person make you feel? Instead of hyper-focusing on their flaws, focus on the positive aspects of your relationship. It’s all part of the journey of love.

The Third Stage of a Relationship: The Crisis Stage

Picture this: You and your partner live in a pure love and happiness bubble. Every moment feels like a fairytale, and you can’t imagine anything going wrong. But then, reality hits you like a ton of bricks. The honeymoon phase is over, leaving you feeling uncertain and doubtful. Welcome to the third stage of a relationship: the crisis stage.

The rose-colored glasses are entirely off, and you must confront the unspoken problems lingering beneath the surface. Suddenly, your perfect partner is not so perfect anymore.

It’s easy to feel like this stage is the end of the road for your relationship, but it doesn’t have to be. The power struggles simmering beneath the surface are now fully exposed, and it’s up to you and your partner to navigate them together.

The power struggle typically causes resentment, which does not indicate the love is gone. But now, the feelings of love are mixed with irritation, doubt, and alienation. Partners fight or withdraw as disappointment and resentment increase, depending on their circumstances, attachment history, and personality.

Some couples become perpetually vigilant, ready to fly into battle at the slightest provocation. Others might quietly move apart over time, putting less and less energy into maintaining the relationship and investing more outside of it. But don’t worry; there’s still hope!

Surviving the Dreaded Third Stage of Your Relationship: Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Love Strong

Congratulations! You’ve found someone you love and are in a happy relationship. The first stage, the honeymoon phase, was a breeze. But now, you’re in the third stage, which feels like a minefield. Everything you do or say triggers your partner, and you’re constantly walking on eggshells.

What’s happening? During the third stage, our brains become hyper-focused on any negative aspects of our relationship. The things that used to be charming quirks now drive us up the wall. And the things that used to make us happy are now overshadowed by the things that upset us. It’s like a switch has flipped, and suddenly, we see all the relationship’s deficiencies.

But don’t worry; offsetting this negative process is possible. It’s time to start practicing intentional gratitude.

Yes, it may seem cheesy, but it works. Instead of focusing on what’s going wrong, try to focus on what’s going right. Make a list of everything you appreciate about your partner and your relationship, and read it daily.

And when conflicts arise, remember to listen to understand, not to respond. It’s easy to react through our emotions and shut down when we feel attacked, but that won’t solve anything. Take the time to understand your partner’s point of view and navigate the difference together.

It’s also essential to clear the air and create space. Don’t let problems fester or avoid issues, as tempting as they may be. That will only lead to an enormous buildup of issues that inevitably boil over at some point.

But here’s the thing – this stage is where unhealthy relationship habits or patterns can form. Like your partner giving you the silent treatment after a fight or using guilt, shame, or blame to win an argument. Learn to distinguish between unhealthy control issues and healthy disagreements, as the unhealthy patterns will carry themselves into the future.

And finally, consider if this is the person you want to marry. If it is, now is a great time to start premarital counseling. And if it’s not, now is a good time to end the relationship- as it will take work and compromise on both ends to make it through this stage, but with healthy communication, your love can come out stronger than ever. If you opt to move forward here are some things to consider before marriage.

So, take a deep breath, and remember you’re not alone. Every relationship has rough patches, and how we handle them makes all the difference. With a bit of intention and a lot of love, you and your partner can make it through the third stage and become more powerful on the other side.

The Fourth Stage of a Relationship: Make it or Break it

There’s a point in every relationship where things can go either way – the fourth stage. It’s where emotions run high, and you start to feel like you’re living with a stranger. The fights are more intense; sometimes, you want to storm out and never return.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. In this stage, you can also experience a newfound sense of commitment. You’ll accept each other’s flaws and find they outweigh the difficulties. You’ll get more comfortable with each other and the idea of staying together for the long haul.

It’s called the commitment stage- deciding whether you’re in it for the long haul. You might contemplate leaving and even make plans to exit the relationship. Or, you might feel ready to commit to this person truly.

But before you make rash decisions, staying objective about why you’re in the relationship is essential. Are you staying together just because you’re comfortable with your routine, or feel guilty ending it?

Remember, this stage can be a make-it-or-break-it moment for your relationship. But if you choose to stay and work on your issues, you’ll find it worth it in the end.

The Warning Signs

Indifference and remoteness are typical in this stage. You might feel like your partner is a stranger and can’t connect anymore. Emotional breakdowns, self-protective behaviors, and leaving the house for hours after a fight are commonplace.

But don’t worry; you’re not alone. Every relationship goes through this stage. The key is to recognize the warning signs and take action before it’s too late.

The Takeaway: It’s Not Just Your Partner’s Fault

Although we may convince ourselves that our spouse is the only problem and that we would be better off without them, is that really the case?

Most couples break up because both parties are unwilling to look inward and do the necessary self-work. It’s easy to blame our partner for all the issues in the relationship, but the reality is that we all have a part to play in the deterioration of our connection.

So, what does doing the work entail? It starts with understanding our role and taking responsibility for our actions. We must be willing to accept our part in the problems and work towards fixing them. This process can be difficult and uncomfortable but is necessary for growth.

When we look closer at our unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and family dynamics, we begin to see how we may be projecting our own hurts and pains onto our partners. By mapping out the origins of these issues and being vulnerable with our partners, we can better understand each other and help each other process our self-destructive emotions.

Our internal work during this stage is worth it regardless of whether the relationship ends. It will allow us to part ways constructively, wishing each other well and understanding our part in what happened. 

So, don’t be afraid to dive in and do the necessary work to save your relationship or grow as a person. Things to remember:

  • Self-work and self-analysis are necessary for a successful relationship.

  • Both parties must take responsibility for their actions.

  • Real change is possible if both parties commit to the work.

  • Understanding our unconscious thoughts and behaviors is key to healing.

  • The internal work is worth it, regardless of the outcome of the relationship.

Regardless of where your relationship is, don’t give up hope. Real change is possible if both parties commit to the necessary work. This stage allows us to learn valuable lessons that will enable us to become better people and allow the relationship to grow and deepen.

The Fifth Stage of a Relationship: When Love is at its Peak

They say true love lasts forever. But how do you know when you’ve reached that sweet spot in your relationship where everything feels just right? That’s where the fifth stage comes in.

At this point, you and your partner have been through thick and thin. You’ve weathered the storms and come out on the other side stronger and more in love than ever. You’ve learned to accept each other’s imperfections and grown together as individuals.

But what sets this stage apart is your deep sense of security and closeness with your partner. You know you can count on them for anything, and you appreciate their unwavering support as you pursue your goals and dreams.

One of the things that makes this stage so special is the way that couples learn to communicate. You’re not afraid to have those tough conversations anymore, and you know how to listen and empathize with each other without getting defensive.

And let’s not forget about the fun stuff. In this stage, couples start to play together again. You can laugh, relax, and enjoy each other’s company without worrying about the stresses of everyday life. And yes, the passion is still there – it may even be stronger than ever before.

So if you’re lucky enough to be in the fifth stage of your relationship, savor every moment. This is where the real magic happens.

Nourish Your Relationship and Yourself: How to Keep the Love Alive

Relationships are like gardens – they require constant care and attention to thrive. But just as you need to nourish your plants, you must also nourish your relationship and yourself. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

  • Appreciate each other’s generosity, humor, resilience, flexibility, boundaries, self-care, and purpose. These are the building blocks of a healthy relationship, so take the time to recognize and celebrate them.

  • Make self-growth and self-care your goals, and watch them positively impact other areas of your life. When you care for yourself, you become a better partner, friend, and person overall.

  • Stay in this stage as long as you both can sustain your own wholeness as individuals. Maintaining your individuality while in a relationship is essential – this will help you avoid losing yourself.

  • Remember that new challenges will always be waiting in the distance, but with the right tools, you can face them head-on. By focusing on self-growth and appreciation for each other, you can equip yourselves to handle anything that comes your way.

Remember: Love is like a garden – it requires constant care and attention to thrive. By focusing on self-growth, appreciation, and maintaining your individuality, you can keep the love alive for years.


Love is an intoxicating high, and though it can be sweet to indulge in its innocent oblivion, it is essential that you take a step back and assess your relationship when the second stage comes around and the rose-colored glasses come off. 

Remember, the third stage of a relationship can be rough, but if you face it together with strength and understanding, you can make it through to the fourth stage: make it or break it. 

The fifth is when true love is at its peak, so with that goal in mind, we encourage you to nourish your relationship and yourself, reminding each other why you fell in love in the first place. 

Strive for clarity from both sides – although love may feel like something outside of our control, we want to remind you that often, there are warning signs that something isn’t right. 

There are solutions for any problem love presents – not just your partner’s fault – so remember to prioritize communication and kind words. Ultimately, take time within your relationship to appreciate it as if every moment were special. As always, if you find this blog helpful, we’d love for you to share it!