one sided relationship trap

The One-Sided Love Trap: How to Break Free from Imbalanced Relationships

June 19, 2024

Table of Contents

Discover the crimson warning signs of harmful relationships and learn how to end them with compassion and courage.

Have you ever thought to yourself all my relationships are one-sided, leaving you longing for something more?

Do you often have that gut-wrenching feeling of being emotionally neglected?

If you said yes, chances are you are in an imbalanced relationship. It doesn’t matter if your partner is physically present in the same room as you; you can still feel alone because you’re not being emotionally seen or taken care of.

Friendships and romantic relationships in a perfect world have a natural ebb and flow. One week, you might call someone and make exciting plans, while the following week, they’ll surprise you by reaching out first. It’s the beautiful give-and-take that makes relationships worth holding onto, through thick and thin.

When relationships start going haywire, they can slip out of balanced relationship, transitioning into what’s popularly known as a one-sided relationship. These one-sided relationships can cause you physical, mental, and spiritual exhaustion. Instead of a balance, there’s a lack of reciprocity. One person invests more love, time, energy, or as much effort than the other.

The result? Unfulfillment, loneliness, and even resentment. That’s why it’s crucial to identify the signs of a one-sided relationship. We’ve got your back.

So, what can you do? Keep reading.

We’ll walk you through the common characteristics key signs and causes of one-sided relationships to help you improve your relationship and feel seen, heard, and valued.

What is a One-Sided Relationship?

A one-sided relationship can be defined as a relationship that lacks balance and equitable reciprocity. In other words, one person invests more time, energy, effort, and emotional investment or financial support than another. This can be exhausting, physically, mentally, and spiritually draining.

A relationship should feel like a safe harbor to play, relax, and weather the storm together. But in a one-sided relationship, this isn’t the case. It doesn’t enrich your life significantly because the construct doesn’t consistently promote meaningful, deep connection, and constructive conflict.

What can one-sided relationships feel like?

Relationships are not always a bed of roses. There are times when one partner is more invested in the relationship than the other, leading to an imbalance. If you find yourself in a one-sided relationship, it is essential to recognize the signs and address the issue. Here are some very common signs and scenarios that indicate a one-sided relationship:

1. There is a Lack of Reciprocation in Love, Attention, or Affection

Building a strong and healthy romantic relationship often requires effort and commitment from both partners. To achieve this, it is essential that both individuals feel loved, appreciated, and valued. One of the most critical factors to achieve this is by reciprocating love, attention, and affection.

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When both partners give and receive these gestures, it leads to balance and harmony. However, when one partner fails to reciprocate, it creates frustration, resentment, and, ultimately, a relationship breakdown. To recognize if your relationship is lacking reciprocity, here are some signs to look out for:

– Not returning the “I love you” statement
– Not showing physical affection
– Not making time for each other
– Not acknowledging or appreciating efforts
– Not being emotionally supportive

If any of these signs resonate with you, addressing them before they escalate is vital. A lack of reciprocity can lead to feelings of neglect, low self-esteem, and depression. It can create a power imbalance and break down trust between partners.

Building a strong foundation of love and reciprocity takes time and effort. You can create a thriving and loving relationship by working on these key components.

2. There is a Disproportionate Effort in Maintaining the Relationship

Have you ever felt like you’re the only one trying to maintain a relationship? Pouring your heart and soul into communication, planning dates, and just trying to be present while your partner doesn’t reciprocate your efforts? It can be frustrating and exhausting, leaving you feeling underappreciated, undervalued, and questioning the relationship’s worth.

Related Reading: Signs That Show You Are Not A Priority In The Relationship

To recognize if your relationship is lacking effort, or poor communication, here are some signs to look out for:

-You are always the one who reaches out to your partner to initiate contact.
-Your partner never seems to have time for you or cancels plans at the last minute.
-You are the only one making an effort to keep the relationship alive.
-You feel like your partner takes you for granted and doesn’t appreciate your efforts.

These two relationship issues can leave you resentful and unhappy, causing the relationship’s demise. Proper communication and setting boundaries are important, but you must understand that relationships need mutual effort.

3. You Feel Undervalued in the Relationship

One of the most common issues that arise in relationships is the feeling of being undervalued or unappreciated by your partner. This feeling can be frustrating and hurtful, potentially damaging the relationship. Here are the signs that you feel undervalued or unappreciated in your relationship:

-You constantly feel like you are putting in more effort than your partner
-Your partner does not acknowledge your efforts or take you for granted
-Your partner does not show interest in your life or accomplishments
-Your partner does not make you feel loved or appreciated

What are the Causes of Feeling Undervalued or Unappreciated?

Feeling undervalued or unappreciated in a relationship can be demoralizing. But, there are several reasons behind this that you may not be aware of. One such reason could be that your partner is oblivious to your needs and expectations, causing a communication gap. It’s important to voice your emotions and work on a solution together instead of making excuses and of sulking in silence.

Related Reading: What we need from each other in a relationship

Moreover, your partner’s behavior may be a reflection of their personal issues. But, before you deal with that, give yourself the attention free time, and care you deserve. Reflect on what you want from the relationship and what brings you happiness.

4. You Consistently Prioritize Your Partner’s Needs Over Your Own

In every relationship, showing love and care to your partner is natural and vital. Yet, prioritizing your partner’s needs over your own can compromise your mental health and well-being. Be mindful of balancing being supportive of your partner and self-care. It’s essential to identify and address this very negative behavior pattern before it is too late! What are the signs that you are consistently prioritizing your partner’s needs over your own?

-You are always the one making sacrifices in the relationship.
-Your partner rarely compromises or makes adjustments to accommodate your needs.
-You feel like you are walking on eggshells around your partner and afraid to express your needs or feelings.
-Your partner consistently dismisses your feelings and needs, making you feel invalidated.
-Your partner is not emotionally available, and you feel like you are doing all the work to keep the relationship going.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is essential to communicate with your partner and set clear boundaries. While it may be challenging to confront these issues, it is crucial for the health and longevity of the relationship.

Related Reading: How To Create Boundaries In Your Relationship

5. You Feel Controlled By Your Partner

The insidious grip of control. In relationships where one partner dominates, the balance is distorted. The controlling partner hoards all the power, leaving the other feeling powerless, trapped, and gasping for breath. This insidious behavior can cause irreparable emotional and psychological damage, creating a lonely and isolated victim with depression, anxiety, and pain. If your partner is controlling, it’s essential to recognize the signs and take appropriate action. Here are a few red flags to look out for:

-Your partner tries to limit your contact with friends and loved ones.
-Your partner dictates what you should wear, how you should act, and what you should say.
-Your partner is constantly checking up on you, demanding to know where you are at all times.
-Your partner tries to control your finances by limiting your access to money or controlling how you spend it.
-Your partner uses guilt, intimidation, or threats to get their way.
-Your partner makes you feel guilty or ashamed for wanting to spend time away from them.

How did I end up in an Imbalanced Relationship?

One of the biggest factors or contributors to ending up in an imbalanced relationship is low self-esteem. It’s not uncommon for individuals with low self-esteem to find themselves in one-sided relationships, constantly giving and not receiving the same level of care and attention in return. Below we have a list of reasons to help you discover why you are in an imbalanced relationship:

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1. Chances Are You Might Struggle With Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem is when an individual lacks confidence and negatively perceives themselves. It’s a common issue that affects many people, and it can stem from various factors, including childhood experiences, negative self-talk, and social pressures.

The Impact of Low Self-Esteem in Relationships

Low self-esteem can make it difficult for individuals to establish healthy relationships. When someone has low self-esteem, they may struggle to set boundaries or express their needs and wants in a relationship. This can lead to them being taken advantage of or feeling unfulfilled in the relationship.

Why People With Low Self-Esteem End Up In One-Sided Relationships

Individuals with low self-esteem may find themselves in one-sided relationships where they give more than receive. These relationships can be draining and further damage an individual’s self-esteem. When someone is in a one-sided relationship, they may feel like they need to give more to keep the relationship going, or they may be afraid to speak up and express their needs for fear of losing the connection altogether.

How To Break the Low Self Esteem Cycle That Puts You In These Relationships

Breaking the cycle of one-sided relationships starts with addressing low self-esteem. Individuals with low self-esteem should build their confidence and learn to set boundaries in relationships. This can involve seeking therapy or counseling, practicing self-care, and developing a positive self-image.

  • Learning to say “no” when necessary

  • Practicing self-love and self-acceptance

  • Surrounding oneself with supportive and caring individuals

  • Developing a positive self-image through affirmations and positive self-talk

By breaking this cycle and building self-esteem, individuals can establish healthy, fulfilling relationships based on mutual respect and care.

2. You Have An Approval Addiction

Human beings have an innate desire to feel loved and accepted. As social creatures, we thrive on positive feedback and validation from others. However, when it comes to relationships, seeking approval and validation from others can have detrimental effects, keeping you in one-sided relationships.

How The Need for Approval Impacts Relationships

The need for approval is a psychological need that drives our behavior in different aspects of our lives, including adult romantic relationships. Seeking approval from others can manifest in various ways in a relationship, such as constantly seeking reassurance from your partner, avoiding conflict to keep the peace, and changing your behavior or interests to please your partner.

One-sided relationships occur when one partner is more invested in the relationship than the other. In such relationships, the partner seeking approval may compromise their needs and values to please their partner, hoping to gain their approval and validation. This leads to an unbalanced relationship where one partner has more power and control while the other partner feels powerless and unfulfilled.

How The Need for Approval Will Negatively Impact You

Seeking approval and validation in a one-sided relationship can have several negative impacts, including:

  • Anxiety: constantly seeking approval can lead to anxiety and stress, as you are always worried about pleasing your partner.

  • Lack of authenticity: seeking approval can make you inauthentic and not true to yourself as you try to mold yourself to fit your partner’s expectations.

  • Resentment: constantly compromising your needs and values can lead to resentment towards your partner, as you feel unfulfilled and unappreciated.

How To Break The Need for Approval That Puts You In These Relationships

To break the cycle of seeking approval and validation in one-sided relationships, it is essential to focus on your own needs and values. This involves setting boundaries, communicating your needs and feelings, and not compromising your values to please your partner. It also means being true to yourself and not changing your behavior or interests to fit your partner’s expectations.

Remember, a healthy relationship is one where both partners are equal and have mutual respect and understanding for each other. Seeking approval and validation from others can lead to an unbalanced relationship where one partner holds more power and control. Break the cycle by focusing on your own needs and values, and communicating effectively with your partner.

Related Reading: How To Stop Being A People Pleaser

3. You Need Others Validation

Humans have an innate desire to feel important, appreciated, and valued. This need for validation is a fundamental aspect of our emotional well-being, and when this need is not met, we can begin to feel insecure and inadequate.

In one-sided relationships, the partner who invests more time and effort often seeks validation from their partner. They want to feel loved, appreciated, and valued by someone they care about. Unfortunately, this validation is usually not forthcoming, leading to frustration and disappointment.

The partner who invests less time and effort may not place the same value on the relationship and may not feel the need to provide validation to their partner. The result is an unbalanced relationship, where one partner is left feeling unfulfilled and undervalued.

4. You Have A Fear of Abandonment

Another reason why people stay in one-sided relationships is the fear of abandonment. This fear is often linked to the need for validation, as people who feel insecure and inadequate may believe that they are not worthy of love and affection.

As a result, they may cling to a partner who is not fully invested in the relationship, hoping they will eventually provide the love and validation they crave. They may also be afraid to leave the relationship, fearing they will be alone and unloved.


If you find yourself in a one-sided relationship, it is essential to recognize the underlying reasons why you are staying in the relationship. Are you seeking validation from your partner? Are you afraid of being alone?

Once you have identified the root causes of your behavior, you can begin to take steps to break the cycle. This may involve seeking therapy to resolve your insecurities and fears or ending the relationship altogether.

Remember, you deserve to be in a long term relationship that is based on mutual love, respect, and appreciation. Don’t settle for less.

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