How you can be both a Stay-at-Home Mom and Working Mom

stay-at-home mom child development study

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Join me in embracing motherhood with all it has to offer.

I firmly believe that a woman can be a great mother and a successful career woman at the same time. I want to provide for my family financially while still being present for my children when they need me the most.

I know it might sound impossible, but hang in there with me for a sec. First, let me share some of my experiences that led me to this point. Then we’ll dive into why I desire both, and you might too, after hearing me out. So, keep reading!

I consider myself really fortunate! When my kids were born, I had a chance to experience both the stay-at-home mom and working mom life, allowing me to view the world from two completely different perspectives, which was pretty interesting.

Life After My 1st Child

Excitement and love for my all-encompassing job made me think that taking time off wasn’t necessary. So, after only one week of Roya being born, I returned to work with the help of sitters and nannies.

I’m proud of the impression my triumphant return had on my boss and coworkers, but in reality, I missed out on many moments with my little girl. Rushing back to work meant being late to pick her up, calling on friends for sudden babysitting requests, and constantly scrambling for childcare.

When Covid-19 hit, I got to stop and spend every day at home with my 1-year-old daughter. Some days were a struggle, but there were also precious moments like her first steps, first words, and trying new foods.

For arguably the first time, I finally bonded with her instead of just going through the motions. Covid-19 forced me to slow down and witness my baby girl’s growth, and I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything.

Life After My 2nd Child

When I got pregnant with my second child, I decided to take a different approach than the one I took with my first. I went on leave several months before my due date and became a full-time stay-at-home mom.

Just before my baby was born, I discussed with my boss when I would return to work. I expressed uncertainty but was delighted when my boss said to take my time.

When Maverick arrived, I had six months of well-deserved maternity leave to fully experience the joys of raising my two girls. I was with them daily, scheduling play dates, cooking meals, cleaning the house, changing diapers, pumping, and bottle feeding. Yeah, it was total madness, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything! Did I mention my husband could only take a week off work after Maverick was born? (I’m not bitter)

Learning Opportunity

I learned something about myself from these two scenarios. One of the things that really stood out to me is that I craved something more. When I was with the girls, I wanted to use my brain differently than changing diapers and nursing. At work, I worried about my baby receiving the best possible care, which I don’t believe she was getting.

Hence why I want to be both; I want to be a working mom and a stay-at-home mom! The question is, is this possible, and how can I do it?

Why Do I Want Both?

Why Being a Stay-at-Home Mom is Important to Me

As a stay-at-home mom, I witness every milestone my children reach. I am there for their first steps, their first words, and every little thing in between. I get to watch them grow and learn every single day, and that is something that I will forever cherish.

Moreover, being a stay-at-home mom allows me to create a strong bond with my children. I get to spend quality time with them and am always available to provide them with the love and support they need. This is something that cannot be replaced by anything else.

My Desire to Be There for My Kids

As a parent, my greatest desire is to be there for my kids.

I want to be the one who is always around to take care of them, to be present in their lives, and to give them the support they need to grow into happy and confident individuals.

I want to be the one who cooks for them, puts them down for their naps, and helps them get dressed. I want to be the one who is always there to comfort them, to hold them when they cry, to bandage their boo-boos, and to remind them to take deep breaths to calm down.

I want to take them to the park and check out books at the library. I want to show them the world and all the fantastic things it has to offer.

I want to be the one who picks them up from school, reminds them to brush their teeth, and helps them find their shoes (although I may pass on that last one!).

I want to be the one who plays with my kids. I want to read them exciting books, dance to Disney songs, play tea parties, and be there for their first game. I want to be present in their lives and help them explore all the wonder and excitement that the world has to offer.

These, plus more, are the things that matter most to me as a parent. I want to be there for my kids in every way possible, to help them grow and thrive, and to create memories that will last a lifetime.

But, and this is a big but. 

I also really love to work!

Why I Love Being A Working Mom

Working on a team is one of the most fulfilling experiences I have ever had. I have always been motivated by the idea of creating a goal and working tirelessly to achieve it. There is something special about the satisfaction that comes from facing a challenge head-on and ultimately succeeding.

Overcoming the Impossible

One of the most exciting aspects of working on a team is the ability to overcome seemingly impossible tasks. I am always inspired by the determination and creativity of collaborating with others to find a solution. Whether it’s a complex project or a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, I am always up for the challenge.

Passion for Projects

Working on projects is one of my greatest passions. I enjoy the process of taking an idea from conception to completion. With every project, I feel a sense of pride in the work that has been accomplished and the lessons learned along the way.

My Aspirations

As an individual who loves to learn, I am always looking for opportunities to grow and improve myself. I have certain aspirations that I strive to achieve in both my personal and professional life.


I find immense satisfaction in solving problems. Whether it’s something as simple as fixing a computer glitch or something more complex, like developing a business strategy, I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with finding a solution. I want to be the one who helps others overcome obstacles, offering guidance and support along the way.

Speaking Up

I am not afraid to speak my mind. I want to be the one who gives their opinion when asked, the one who speaks up when I have a great idea. I believe that every voice deserves to be heard, and I want to be the one who encourages others to share their thoughts and ideas.

Growth and Learning

I am always looking for opportunities to learn from others. I want to be the one learning from other creative, genius minds, absorbing knowledge and insights that will help me grow as a person and a professional. I want to be the one challenging my brain by developing a new skill, whether it’s learning a new language or mastering a new software program.

Ultimately, I want to be the best version of myself that I can be. I want to use my skills and talents to make a positive impact on the world, and I believe that by pursuing these aspirations, I can do just that.

So you see my predicament...

The Best of Both Worlds

As a working parent, it can be challenging to strike a balance between career and family. It’s a constant juggling act, and sometimes it can feel like I am being pulled in too many directions at once.

My Rationalization

My children and my work are both vital to me. Although I love being a mother, it doesn’t mean I undervalue my job. Equally, loving my job doesn’t mean I care any less about my kids – I treasure them above all else.

I strive to set an example for my children by demonstrating that it’s admirable to have ambitions and aspirations alongside motherhood. Pursuing those goals only enhances our lives further.

Most importantly, I hope to show my children that I will always prioritize their needs. It’s the dedication and effort I put into being their mother that gives me the strength to accomplish anything else.

Why I Want Both

Being a stay-at-home mom is fulfilling, but I also value my career. I’ve worked hard to get where I am, and I want to continue growing professionally. Working lets me use my skills to make a positive impact. It gives me validation in different ways than motherhood can provide, and that’s totally okay. My career goals are different and measurable, unlike my goals as a mom and wife (although, let’s be honest, my four-year-old might have spreadsheets to evaluate my mom role!).

Is it possible to be a stay-at-home mom and work?


So, is it possible to have the best of both worlds? The answer is both yes and no.

Yes, having a fulfilling career and still spending quality time with your children is possible. It may require some careful planning and prioritization, but with some effort, I know I can make it work.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that this balance will never be perfect. There will be times when work demands more of my attention and other times when my family needs me more. It’s a constant give and take, and it’s something that I’ll need to work on every day.

Finding My Balance

So how can I find the right balance between work and family? Here’s what I am currently doing:

  • Setting priorities: There are things that are most important to me and my family, and I make sure that those things always come first.

  • Communicate: I am open and honest with my boss about my family commitments and ensure we are all on the same page at home.

  • Take time for yourself: Although I am not the best at this I try to recharge and take care of myself so that I can be fully present for my family and career.

My long-term plan…

People have asked me why I started this blog, my long-term plan, how I manage to write, work, mom, wife, and so on.

Why I Blog

I love my job, but at times I feel guilty. The thing is, my heart aches when I think that all of my time could be delved into my growing kids. They’re at such a tender age, twirling around and changing daily. Am I missing out on important memories? The thought crawls up my spine some days. I don’t want to choose between my career and family. I want them to merge, to coexist. And that’s when I realized that the blog is my silver lining, the means to make that merger happen.

I am passionate about writing and speaking about the joys and challenges of motherhood, dating, friendships, and marriage. I believe in sharing uplifting stories to inspire and encourage others. Simultaneously, I wish to unite women to create a community where they can love and support each other.

I see this blog as a way to be a full-time mom and a full-time worker.

What do you think about my plan?

More importantly, what’s your plan?

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