25 Essential Questions to Ask Before Starting a New Relationship

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Starting a new relationship is an exciting time, full of questions and possibilities. But it can also be nerve-wracking as you try to figure out if this person could be your perfect match. To help make sure the connection between you and your partner is strong and lasting, it’s essential to ask questions that will reveal more about who they are and what they want from the relationship.

From discovering shared values to discussing expectations for the future, these questions can open meaningful conversations that will deepen your understanding of each other. This article provides 25 essential questions to ask before starting a new relationship – so you can build a strong foundation to fall in love!

Discovering Shared Values

5 questions to determine shared values and beliefs

When starting a new relationship, it’s important to understand each other’s core values. By discussing the questions below, couples can gain insight into what matters most to each person and how they prioritize different aspects of life, such as family, career, and leisure activities.

1. What is your definition of success?
2. How do you like to spend your free time?
3. What qualities are necessary for a partner?
4. Do you have any religious or spiritual beliefs that guide your decisions?
5. Are any causes or social justice issues significant for you?

Discussing Expectations for the Future

5 questions to discuss each person’s hopes and dreams 

When starting a new relationship, it is important to get an understanding of each person’s expectations for the future. By discussing questions like these, couples can gain insight into how they want their lives to progress over time – and make sure that they are on the same page regarding major life decisions.

1. What lifestyle do you hope to have in the next five years?
2. Are there any long-term goals or dreams you would like your partner to help you achieve?
3. Do you see yourself living in the same place for a while or moving around a lot?
4. Are there any particular values or beliefs that are important to you when it comes to raising children (if applicable)?
5. Is there anything else you would like to discuss regarding planning and expectations for the future?

Revealing Personal Experiences

5 questions that will get you closer by sharing stories from your past 

A great way to build a connection with someone is by getting to know them on a deeper level – which can be done through questions designed to reveal personal experiences. By talking about memories, dreams, and lessons learned throughout life, couples can gain insight into each other’s core beliefs, values, hopes, and future fears. Here are some questions that can help open up conversations about personal experiences:

1. What have been some of the most significant moments in your life so far?
2. Are there any dreams or plans from when you were younger that never quite came to fruition?
3. Do you have any memories from childhood that still make you smile today?
4. Is there a moment or experience where you felt like an obstacle was impossible to overcome but then found a way to do it anyway?
5. What is one thing you’ve learned through your experiences that has stayed with you over time?

Exploring Interests & Hobbies

5 questions that explore what you both enjoy doing together 

1. What do you like to do in your free time?
2. Do you want to explore any new hobbies or interests together?
3. What outdoor activities would you both enjoy doing together?
4. Do you have any favorite TV shows or movies we could watch together?
5. Are there any new restaurants, cafes, or places of interest around town that we could visit?

Building Trust & Intimacy

5 questions that create an atmosphere of openness and honesty 

Building trust and intimacy in new relationships is essential to developing a solid bond. Questions are important for couples to get to know each other better, but specific questions create an atmosphere of openness and honesty that can help new couples build trust. Here are five questions new couples should ask each other to foster trust, intimacy, and connection:

1. What does a successful relationship look like to you?
2. How do you express and receive love?
3. Are there any topics that are off-limits for us to talk about together?
4. How do you handle conflict in relationships?
5. What would make you feel most loved and appreciated in a relationship?


Starting a new relationship can be both exciting and intimidating. It can be hard to know what questions to ask in order to get to know someone, but couples need to ask questions before beginning their new relationship.

Asking questions helps couples get to know each other better and learn more about each other’s wants and needs, values, and goals for the relationship. This article provides foundational questions that you can use to get to know someone better and help create a strong base for your new relationship.

After all, who knows this may be the one!

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