Transform Your Marriage Today | 25 Common Problems and Their Solutions Part 3

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25 Common Marriage Problems and Their Solutions

Don’t lose hope in your relationship – transformation, and renewal are within reach! Step toward a healthier, happier marriage with part three of our five-series blog today.

In part one of this series, we discussed these 5 common marriage problems:

1. Boredom
2. Trying to Change your Spouse
3. Communication Misunderstandings
4. Lack of Appreciation
5. Navigating New/Different Life Stages

In part two of this series, we discussed these 5 common marriage problems:

6. Keeping Score
7. Telling Lies
8. Missed Expectations
9. Household Chores
10. Emotional Cheating

In part 3, we will discuss the following: 

11. Trust Issues
12. Financial Issues
13. A Spouse has Anger Issues
14. The Power/ Control Struggle
15. Showing & Accepting Love Differently

Let’s reignite that spark!

5 Common Marital Issues and How to Tackle Them

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of 5 common marital issues and their solutions. Think of this as your road map to a healthier and happier marriage.

11. Trust Issues: The Silent Killer of Marriages

“Can I really trust them?”

It’s a question people tend to ask themselves in marriage.

Trust issues are the silent killer of marriages. They creep in, slowly and insidiously, until they consume the entire relationship, leaving no chance for restoration.

The concept of trust in a marriage might seem conventional, but when doubt starts to seep in, it can strain the relationship immensely.

Visualize: Your spouse comes home late from work, and instead of asking them how their day was, you’re bombarded by a barrage of questions in your head – “Where were they really?”, “Who were they with?” “What were they doing?” All these doubts can cause your heart to feel heavy.

But there is hope.

  • Understand each other’s perspectives – Effective communication is key. Both partners need to communicate openly and honestly to understand each other’s perspectives and concerns.

  • Rebuilding trust- If a partner has committed a mistake in the past, they should take full responsibility for it. To rebuild trust, they should be honest and consistent with their actions over time.

  • Seeking counseling- Couples therapy can be an effective way of addressing trust issues in a relationship by identifying the root cause of the issue and taking the necessary steps to address it.

  • Setting boundaries- Couples can identify healthy boundaries to maintain autonomy and trust. This might include limiting communication with previous partners or discussing spending habits.

Trust issues can be detrimental to a relationship, but they can be addressed with effort and willingness to work on it. Effective communication, honesty, and empathy are the most significant ways to overcome trust issues and build a stronger relationship. Remember that trust is a journey, not just a destination.

So don’t let trust issues be the silent killer of your marriage. Tackle them head-on.

12. The Great Financial Rollercoaster: A Marriage Adventure

As you’re cruising along in marital bliss, nothing can throw you off course faster than money troubles. Whether you’re teaming up with a joint account or opting for solo financial rides, you will hit some bumps in the road. And when you do, it’s crucial to hit the brakes, put on the hazard lights, and have an open and honest discussion together.

A Tale of Two Spenders: Overcoming Financial Obstacles

Let’s say you’re a frugal saver, and your spouse is a free-spending enthusiast. You’ve agreed on a financial plan that you both feel good about, but suddenly, your partner goes rogue and splurges on a brand-new big-screen TV that definitely wasn’t in the budget.

Instead of slamming on the brakes and causing a marital pile-up, take a deep breath and calmly discuss the reasons behind the spending detour. Was it a moment of weakness, or is there an underlying issue that needs to be addressed? By keeping the lines of communication open, you can navigate through these financial twists and turns together.

Mapping Out Your Money Route

When it comes to managing your finances as a couple, remember that you’re in the driver’s seat. You can choose to take the high road, with open communication and a commitment to shared financial goals, or risk veering off course by keeping money matters in the dark.

By working together to create a financial roadmap, you’ll be better equipped to handle any unexpected bumps, sharp turns, or thrilling drops that come your way.

13. The Explosive Side of Love

Ever been in a heated argument with your spouse, and suddenly, you lose control? Your voice rises, tempers flare, and you’re shouting, slamming doors, or even throwing things before you know it. Sounds familiar? Sadly, this kind of explosive anger is a common marriage problem many couples face.

With the constant barrage of external stressors – from long work hours to the never-ending news cycle – it’s not surprising that our emotional fuse can get shorter.

And when we’re pushed to the limit, our loved ones often bear the brunt of our outbursts. But fear not, dear reader; there’s hope for even the most hot-headed among us!

Anger Management: There’s an App (roach) for That!

If you find yourself struggling with anger issues, consider seeking the help of a counselor who can help you develop coping skills to keep your inner Hulk at bay. But if therapy isn’t your cup of tea, don’t worry – there are plenty of other ways to keep your cool!

For instance, did you know that simply counting to ten before responding can help diffuse a potentially explosive situation? It’s true! This age-old technique gives you just enough time to take a deep breath, collect your thoughts, and choose your words more carefully. So the next time you’re tempted to unleash your fury on your spouse, try giving this simple trick a go.

Laugh It Off: Keeping Things Light

Another way to keep anger from ruining your relationship is by injecting a bit of humor into the mix. It might sound counterintuitive, but studies have shown that laughter can help reduce stress and improve our overall mood.

So why not give it a shot?

The next time you find yourself getting worked up over something minor, like a forgotten chore or a miscommunication, try cracking a joke or making light of the situation. You might be surprised at just how quickly your anger dissipates when you’re both chuckling together.

Remember: Love is a Battlefield, but It Doesn’t Have to Be a War Zone

Ultimately, the key to managing anger in your marriage is to remember that you’re both on the same team. By working together to address the root causes of your rage, practicing healthy coping mechanisms, and keeping things light, you can transform your relationship from a battleground to a sanctuary of love and support. And when you achieve that, you’ll find that even the most explosive arguments can be defused with just a little patience, understanding, and humor.

14. The Great Power Struggle in Relationships: Finding the Balance

Power inequality can rear its ugly head in various ways, from financial control to emotional manipulation.

The Tale of Two Powers: Financial and Relational

Typically as one partner starts earning significantly more money than the other, decisions about vacations, home renovations, and even grocery shopping become points of contention. The higher-earning partner’s opinion “appears” to carry more weight, while the other can feel like their voice is stifled.

It can feel like one partner is always calling the shots, dictating everything from weekend plans to household chores. At the same time, the other partner is almost powerless, unable to assert their own desires and opinions within the relationship.

Does any of this sound familiar? If so, it’s time to take a closer look at the power dynamics in your relationship and work towards a more equitable distribution.

Restoring Balance: A Three-Step Plan

Step 1: Acknowledge the issue. Shine a light on the problem by discussing it openly with your partner. Remember, no need to point fingers or assign blame – simply express your feelings and concerns.

Step 2: Divide and conquer. It’s perfectly normal for each partner to have their own areas of expertise within a relationship. Perhaps one of you is the master chef, while the other is a whiz at handling finances. The key is to ensure that these roles don’t create an imbalance of power. Discuss which responsibilities you feel comfortable handling and try to involve each other in the details when bigger decision-making happens.

Step 3: Practice empathy. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes and imagine how it would feel to be on the other side of the power inequality. This can help cultivate a greater understanding of each other’s experiences and pave the way for a more balanced partnership.

15. Lost in Translation: Unraveling the Mystery of Love Expressions

Discovering how one’s partner expresses love can be both intriguing and frustrating – it’s like decoding a secret message or learning a new language. Unfortunately, differences in expression between partners can sometimes cause love signals to get lost in translation.

Nonetheless, uncovering and understanding these differences is an essential aspect of every relationship. Let us show you the way to bridging the love-communication gap.

The Love Detective: Identifying Your Partner’s Love Language

The first step is realizing that there’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to expressing love. Your partner might have a completely different way of showing how much they care, and it’s up to you to put on your detective hat and figure it out.

Here’s a little anecdote to illustrate my point: I once had a friend who loved receiving flowers from her boyfriend as a sign of affection. However, her boyfriend hated buying flowers because he thought they were a waste of money. Instead, he would always make sure her car was filled up with gas and clean. She eventually realized that this was his way of showing his love – he was taking care of her and making her life easier. Once she cracked this code, their relationship became so much stronger.

Appreciation: The Key to Unlocking the Love Mystery

Once you’ve figured out your partner’s love language, the next step is appreciation. Pay attention to the little things they do and show gratitude for their efforts. Maybe they always make you coffee in the morning or send you a sweet text during the day to let you know they’re thinking of you. These small gestures are their way of saying “I love you” – even if they don’t say the actual words.

So, the next time you feel a little confused about your partner’s feelings, remember that love can be expressed in many different ways.

It’s up to you to understand how your partner shows love and show appreciation when they do. And who knows? Maybe you’ll even learn a new love language along the way.


While many common marital issues can be addressed, the critical takeaway is that most couples who remain immersed in love and committed to honest and effective communication can effectively work through difficulties. Both partners must open the lines of dialogue and set boundaries for themselves and each other early on to prevent trust, financial, or power struggles from getting out of hand.

Open dialogue will also help you understand your partner’s love language better, which will go a long way in any partnership. Additionally, lightening the mood with humor and laughter goes a long way when resolving anger outbursts or internalizing tensions between couples.

Hopefully, this blog post has given you some insight into tackling some common marital issues so you can continue on your journey as life-long partners!

Remember to check back next week for our fourth installment while remembering to share, like, subscribe and comment!

Thanks again for kicking off this four part series with us – we hope it serves as an encouraging reminder that all relationships face difficulty at times but that these difficulties may just be God’s way of pushing couples closer together.

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