What Is Love Bombing? 9 Signs In A New Relationship

December 4, 2023

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Am I unknowingly love bombing or being love bombed?

Love bombing is a cunning tactic employed by individuals who bombard you with overwhelming displays of attention and affection early. While initially, it may appear positive in a romantic relationship, this insidious phenomenon can lead to gaslighting and abusive behavior.

Experts in psychology warn that narcissists or sociopaths frequently utilize love bombing in their quest for control.

At first, these extravagant acts of love may seem like the epitome of romance. Yet, they serve as a façade for a potential love-bombing catastrophe—an environment ripe for an otherwise unhealthy relationships and toxic dynamic.

Discover the signs of relationship red flags and learn to differentiate between love bombing and genuine infatuation before it’s too late.

How is love bombing different from a loving relationship?

How can you tell if your current relationship is the real deal or if you’re being love bombed? Is it a whirlwind romance, or are they genuinely head over heels for you? The key to unraveling the mystery lies in discerning whether they trample on your boundaries.

Engage in an open, heartfelt conversation with them about your emotions and boundaries, and watch how they respond.

Related Reading: Healthy Boundaries In A Relationship

If you express discomfort and they listen and change their behavior in the future, it’s a sign of their respect and investment in your relationship. However, if you feel uncomfortable and they become aggressive, argumentative, or persistently disregard your boundaries, that is a severe warning sign that you are being love bombed!

Another sure test is seeking a fresh perspective from your trusted family member and close friends. Don’t forget to listen to your instincts as well. If something doesn’t feel right, pay attention to it instead of brushing it off.

A loving, committed, healthy relationship, should brim with closeness, respect, and consideration. Healthy couples in healthy relationships can be vulnerable, trusting, and genuinely caring for each other. On the other hand, individuals diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder often lack empathy. Their focus revolves around themselves, craving constant admiration and possessing an inflated sense of entitlement.

In the pursuit of genuine love, don’t ignore the signs of being love bombed. Your relationship should bring joy, and while it may feel incredible, it’s crucial to remain attuned to any underlying issues that may arise.

What are the red flags for love bombing?

A couple at a bank getting a loan, the man is smiling while the woman is looking at him very nervously. Understanding the insidious nature and signs of love bombing is crucial in safeguarding your well-being. When subjected to such manipulative tactics, you may find yourself all too familiar with these cunning behaviors. With this knowledge, you can navigate the treacherous landscape of new relationships more easily. Brace yourself for the warning signs accompanying this dangerous form of romantic manipulation.

How do you know if someone is love bombing you? Here are the 9 signs

1. They Want to Know Everything About You Right Away

The love bomber is spellbinding. They’ve bewitched countless individuals over the years. Hence they make you feel like you’re the only person in the world to extract as much information about you as possible early on. Sometimes they exploit this sensitive information later in the relationship, using the words you said to either gain control over you, hurt you or ruin your reputation.

2. They’re in a rush to lock things down

Those who are into love bombing behaviors move with lightning speed. A love bomber will claim you as their soulmate, weaving fantasies of eloping together. They speak openly about shared dreams and eagerly introduce you to their closest friends and family. A love bomber will make commitments early on, skipping milestones to savor a thrilling climax. These individuals seek rapid intimacy and deep connection.

3. Intense Declarations of Love

Imagine being bombarded with over the top reminders of their love during every conversation. Picture a massive bouquet of flowers unexpectedly delivered to your workplace after just one date. Envision candy and teddy bears piling up on your doorstep without end—picture loud declarations of love echoing through a crowded restaurant, captivating everyone’s attention. Love bombing will relentlessly invades every corner of your existence with constant grand gestures.

4. They give you constant compliments

While complimenting a loved one can be nice and thoughtful, love bombing tends to go above and beyond, bombarding with overwhelming compliments. Their words are powerful, like “You’re the perfect combination of beautiful and sexy” or “I’ve never met anyone more beautiful than you.” They claim that their life is complete with you in it. Not only do they shower you with excessive compliments, but they also manipulate you, luring you to reciprocate their intense expressions of attachment.

5. Over-the-Top, Expensive Gifts

Gifting is a complex expression of love but can also be fraught with exploitation and emotional abuse. Picture this: you mention your laptop troubles, and suddenly a brand new one appears at your doorstep. Or imagine going on endless shopping sprees. These are signs of love bombing tactics, as the person will shower their partner with excessive attention and extravagant, lavish gifts.

At first, it may seem like a dream come true, but it transforms into control, criticism, and potentially both physical and emotional abuse. If they don’t receive enough appreciation, they may even withdraw altogether. These gifts are not about genuine happiness but rather a ploy to establish an emotional tether between the giver and the recipient.

6. They’re always available and demanding of your attention

A person who practices love bombing will cunningly rely solely on you more than anyone else for comfort, time, energy, and unwavering dedication. As your bond strengthens, they morph into demanding creatures, with anger and jealousy consuming them whenever you dare to devote time to dear friends or cherished family members.

They will leverage unfair ultimatums that push you to make heart-wrenching choices between them, other friends, and those you hold dear — even sacrificing work, hobbies, and countless other commitments. They long for your undivided attention, aiming to monopolize every precious second of your existence, ensuring that you feel obligated to depend solely on their presence. Eventually, they entangle your heart with guilt, coercing you into putting their needs above all else, including your own deeply cherished connections and pursuits.

7. The relationship feels intense and unbalanced

When we feel secure or find comfort in another’s presence sooner than expected, it seems promising. However, declarations of love, making plans to meet the parents, cohabitate, or wed prematurely may indicate an excessive attempt by your partner to forge closeness before truly comprehending who you are.

This notion of “love bombing” propels forward with such velocity that it leaves the victim questioning their own emotions and perceptions of the individual in question.

8. Saying All the “Right Things”

Whatever you are doing, a love bomber knows that they want you happy and safe. They look at your story very well. Initially, these actions may be regarded as unusual gifts, and you may feel very grateful. Eventually, it can appear hollow and slanderous. Love bomber is always looking at others. Their charm and social intelligence make them a good fit for establishing closeness with others. Love bombing is an attempt to act perfectly in a situation where everything seems unrealistic.

9. Intense Clinginess

A common red flag of being loved bombed lies in the fact that the person wants to spend time with you… all the time. Although in the beginning this can feel like a healthy relationship, no one should only spend time with one person. The love bomber will call and text you non-stop. You may think that you are special and should feel lucky that someone is thinking about you but in reality you are being love bombed!

What are the three stages of love bombing?

a guy giving a girl yellow roses looking at her while she smiles excited to receive the flowers. Love bombing, the initial stage of narcissistic abuse, is a cruel tactic commonly employed in narcissistic relationships. It begins with an overpowering flood of affection and adoration, only to deteriorate into devaluation and ultimately discard. The three stages of love bombing goes like this:

The Idealization Phase of Love Bombing

During this phase of love bombing, your partner overwhelms you with an avalanche of love and affection, enticing you to lower your defenses. At first, it feels surreal, as if the universe conspired to sweep you off your feet.

They place you on a pedestal, showering you with adoration. It’s undeniably flattering, yet their idealization of you unfolds with alarming speed. Indeed, everything unravels at an astonishing pace, leaving you breathless and captivated.

The Devaluation Phase of Love Bombing

The red flags start popping up when you finally let your guard down and settle into the relationship. Your romantic partner, in various ways, begins to assert control over you. They demand more time, throwing tantrums when you make plans without them.

They restrict access to your loved ones, trying to manipulate you into believing everything is fine. One moment, they shower you with kindness, and the next, they unleash their cruelty. Outwardly, they appear loving, fooling others into thinking they’re amazing. But behind closed doors, they use fear and intimidation to force you into submission and may even resort to violence to get their way.

The Discard Phase of Love Bombing

Once the victim becomes worthless to the narcissist, or when they discover a new target, they heartlessly cast aside their previous victim. Confronting them about their destructive actions or attempting to establish healthy boundaries might lead to an infuriating lack of responsibility, as they choose to either ignore your pleas or abruptly end the relationship.

Brace yourself, as once a narcissist enters the final phase of the despicable love cycle, the abuse intensifies, aiming to shatter the victim psychologically. Beware, as confusion, disorientation, and a sense of personal failure may consume you in the aftermath, leaving you desperately seeking solace.

Why Do People Love Bomb?

Guy smiling while texting on his phone!What compels individuals to engage in such a heartless act? The answer lies in the depths of their own emotional turmoil.

For some, anxious attachment styles drive them to resort to love bombing. More than likely the fear of abandonment lead to mental health issues that were never resolved and created borderline personality disorder. The result lies in this love bombing behavior where they drown their romantic partners in constant attention and affection. Yet, behind this façade of excessive love, lies their desperate need for constant reassurance and validation. What was intended to provide comfort and security quickly turns overwhelming and suffocating.

Unresolved childhood trauma can also cast a dark shadow on adult relationships. Those who endured an absence of affection and attention in their formative years or past relationships may overcompensate, clinging to love bombing as a desperate attempt to ensure they won’t be abandoned or rejected. Unfortunately, they unknowingly perpetuate the cycle of trauma, unwittingly inflicting pain on their partners.

Related Reading: The Consequences Of Unresolved Childhood Trauma 

Deep-seated family dynamics can sow the seeds of such destructive behavior. Growing up in an environment where passive aggression was the norm stifles healthy emotional development. Love bombing becomes a twisted form of passive aggression, where excessive affection is deployed with sinister intentions. It becomes a weapon to manipulate and gain power and control, entangling victims and other relationships in a web of toxic love.

Lastly, those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) wield love bombing as a tool to ensnare their prey. They sweep their victims off their feet with a charming facade, leveraging intense displays of affection to captivate and control. It’s a heart-wrenching dance of euphoria and devastation as the love bomber coldly transitions from idolization to devaluation and finally discards their victim, leaving them disoriented and utterly shattered.

Love bombing is an emotional minefield that leaves scars that may never fully heal. Understanding the motivations behind this chilling tactic is crucial to breaking the cycle and protecting ourselves from its devastating grip.

What to Do If You Are Being Love Bombed

a couple wearing matching clothing. They just found out that they are pregnant, the men is very excited while the woman looks a little shocked and surprised. Toxic relationships, marked by constant communication, destructive behaviors and emotional manipulation, can greatly affect our own mental health and physical well-being. If you find yourself trapped in such a toxic bond, here are crucial steps to help you break free and reclaim your life.

1. Acknowledge the Brutal Reality

The first step is coming face-to-face with the hard truth that you’re trapped in a toxic relationship. It’s not easy; it demands courage to confront uncomfortable realities. But genuine change can take root from this place of truth.

2. Put Safety First

Always prioritize your safety and well-being. If you’re in a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, seek help from trusted friends, family, a mental health counselor or call the national domestic violence hotline. Remember, you don’t have to face this alone. There are dedicated hotlines and supportive services available for victims of domestic abuse plus there are even more mental health resources available to you both!

3. Set Firm Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries is vital for your own mental and physical health. This means limiting contact and communication with the toxic individual and stating explicitly the behaviors you will no longer tolerate. Remember, it’s perfectly acceptable to say no and put yourself first.

4. Engage in Honest Communication

If circumstances allow, express your feelings and concerns to the person responsible for the toxicity. They may be unaware of the harm they cause or may choose to disregard your emotions. Nonetheless, standing up for yourself is an essential part of the process.

5. Seek Professional Guidance

A therapist or counselor can offer invaluable support and guidance during this challenging journey. They will help you navigate the complexities of your conflicting emotions well, seek support, develop coping strategies, and plan for a healthier future.

6. Take Your Time

Don’t rush into making decisions. It’s completely okay to take your time and reflect on what’s best for you. Each person’s journey is unique; only you can determine the right path forward.

7. Practice Self-Care

Engage in activities that promote self-love and nourish your soul. Regular exercise, meditation, pursuing hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones can infuse joy and peace into your life.

Exiting a toxic relationship is a transformative journey, and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times. But remember, you are not alone. Reach out to professionals and your support network, and embrace the healing process as you rediscover your true self. With patience, resilience, and unwavering determination, you will rebuild your life positively and healthily.

Related Reading: 12 Steps That Will Help You Heal After A Trauma 

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