How to (Really) Practice Self Love: 7 Areas To Focus On

How to Practice Self Love SELF-LOVE self-love \, self-luhv \ n. The active practice of accepting, caring for, and encouraging oneself. Just as water and air are vital to survival, so, too, is the need to love and be loved. Is it possible that a primary part of this necessity is the ability to love oneself? Although not a new […]

You Are Worthy of Love: Healing Anxious Attachment In Adults

Open the Door to Change Every morning, when you look in the mirror, you see yourself and know exactly who you are. You don’t have to rediscover yourself each day; you already know your likes, such as your love for books, reading SimplyMidori, or your preference for strawberry ice cream. This identity is like the […]

Redefining Self-Love: Replacing Self-Esteem with Compassion

Why Compassion, Not Self-Esteem, is the Key to Loving Yourself Self-Acceptance Self-Care Self-Compassion Self-Love Self-Esteem Self-Worth Self-Intimacy In the self-esteem paradigm, your opinion of yourself is contingent on how well you measure up against others. Still, your self-image is as changeable as the weather — you feel confident in the morning, and then someone else […]