5 Keys to Keeping Your Marriage Strong: Practical Advice for Building a Lifelong Relationship

Traditionally marriage is what comes next in most relationships. But amid the excitement of planning for wedded bliss comes the daunting reality couples face when dealing with two different lives coming together – habits and belongings all needing to coexist peacefully! Unfortunately, conditions aren’t always so harmonious; divorce has become an accepted solution despite its once-taboo status. 

@ Simply Midori, want to equip you with five ways to keep your marriage strong and take divorce back off the table! 

Transform Your Marriage Today | 25 Common Problems and Their Solutions Part 2

25 Common Marriage Problems and Their Solutions Feeling Stuck in Your Marriage? There’s Hope! Are you struggling in your marriage and feeling like there’s no way forward? Wishing you could repair and restore the love you once shared with your partner? Take heart – transformation, and renewal are absolutely possible! In part one of this […]

7 Ways The Bible Can Strengthen Your Marriage Bond | Simply Midori

Marriage is a beautiful union that can last a lifetime – if it’s nurtured with the right ingredients! There’s no denying that marriages can be tough. You’re constantly having to balance your own needs with those of your spouse, and it can be easy to lose sight of why you got married in the first […]

From “Me” to “We”: 8 Unexpected Changes When You Get Married | Simply Midori

From “Me” to “We” Are you getting ready to transition from living a life of “me” to “we”? Getting married is an exciting but also nerve-wracking experience. This critical step impacts everything from your social engagements and day-to-day routines to your finances, priority list, etcetera, whether you’re newly engaged or already married! When tackling the […]

Marriage 101: Christian Counselor Marriage Advice

It’s commonly stated that a Christian marriage and non-Christian marriage have the same odds of divorce. This reality, I believe, largely stems from a lack of understanding among Christians about what the Bible teaches on covenants, vows, and commitments – all solemn pledges made in the presence of God on the wedding day. As Christian […]

Deepen Your Marriage with These 6 Must-Read Christian Books for 2023 | Simply Midori

Revitalize Your Relationship with These 6 Must-Read Books Are you looking to take your marriage to the next level in 2023? Or perhaps you already have a beautiful union that could strengthen and deepen? Christian principles and teachings can offer valuable insights into bringing joy, harmony, and deeper understanding into any relationship. We recommend checking […]

Marriage 101: Christian Marriage Counseling Advice

It’s commonly stated that a Christian marriage and non-Christian marriage have the same odds of divorce. This reality, I believe, largely stems from a lack of understanding among Christians about what the Bible teaches on covenants, vows, and commitments – all solemn pledges made in the presence of God on the wedding day! Learn What […]