How To Get Over A Friendship

how to get over a best friend who hurt you

Midori and I have experienced various friendship breakups in the past decade. However, over the last two years, we’ve encountered the loss of several friendships that had endured for almost a decade. Recently, we’ve found ourselves reflecting on the discomfort of friendship breakups.  In our discussions, we’ve noticed parallels between our experiences and Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’s […]

Rekindling Friendship: How to Rediscover Friendship with Your Spouse

Take a moment and think about best friends? When you think about best friends they are loyal, trustworthy, you enjoy spending time with them, and you feel comfortable being yourself around them.  Well guess what the same should go for your spouse! When you’re friends with your spouse, you have increased trust, consideration, and loyalty. […]

The Many Faces of Friendship: Exploring Types and Bonds

Indeed, over the past two decades, substantial research has emerged underscoring the significance of friendship in a person’s health, well-being, and happiness. Reflecting on it, the importance becomes evident! There’s a profound satisfaction in engaging in a meaningful conversation or reconnecting effortlessly with an old friend, even after years of being apart. Isn’t it great […]

The Ultimate Guide To Friendship

What Is Friendship? Although it might seem simplistic at first glance, this question is actually quite pertinent. The simplest definition of a friendship is an affectionate relationship formed through a strong and voluntary interpersonal bond. In other words, a true friend is someone we choose to connect with willingly, separate from family or legal obligations. […]