How to Create Instant Intimacy: The Questions You Need to Be Asking!

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How to Create Instant Emotional Intimacy

Our blog series on intimacy aims to provide tools for enhancing your relationship’s intimacy. We’ve previously discussed its definition, types and shared valuable resources. Today, we delve into questions that build emotional intimacy in relationships.

Why Questions?

Romantic relationships bring immense joy, comfort, and support. But there’s something even more beautiful—emotional intimacy. It deepens the connection, helping you understand each other’s aspirations, needs, and wishes on a whole new level. And you know what?

Related Reading: What Is Emotional Intimacy?

Questions play a vital role in fostering emotional intimacy. They open up conversations beyond the daily grind, making way for deeper understanding and connection. Try them out and watch your relationship flourish!

Therefore, designate a relaxed moment to engage in this session, taking turns to query and reply. The revelations might surprise you…

107 Questions to Create Instant Intimacy

  1. In what aspects do you believe we are different?

  2. What was your childhood dream profession?

  3. How do you perceive our growth as a couple?

  4. Can you share a moment when you felt utmost pride in me?

  5. What is something you’ve learned from me?

  6. Do you want to be famous?

  7. How do you believe your younger self would perceive our relationship?

  8. What lessons about relationships have you gleaned from your parents?

  9. Can you recall the last instance when you shed tears?

  10. Have your platonic relationships provided any insights into romantic ones?

  11. How would you define the concept of ‘work-life balance’?

  12. What was the most unexpected thing you discovered about me?

  13. Can you recall a time when you laughed so hard that it brought tears to your eyes?

  14. Has being in a relationship with me revealed anything new about yourself? How would you say we are alike?

  15. What would the perfect day look like to you? How would you spend it?

  16. If we could travel anywhere right now, where would you choose and why?

  17. What movie do you think reflects our relationship?

  18. What would you do with your life if you didn’t have to work?

  19. How do you feel our careers affect our relationship?

  20. When you think of our relationship in five years, what do you envision?

  21. How will I know when you are pulling away from me?

  22. If you were unhappy with the relationship, how long do you feel is appropriate to fix it?

  23. What commitment can we make in our busy lives to make time for “us”?

  24. How do you want “alone time” (as a couple and when we have children)?

  25. If your mother disagrees with my parenting style, what advice do you give me to calm the tension?

  26. If I think you should do more as a parent, what is the best way to start that conversation?

  27. What else is intimate aside from sexual intercourse, in your opinion?

  28. Would you rather have intercourse once a week for the rest of your life or have oral sex five times a week?

  29. Based on your experience with grief, what’s the best way I can support you when you are grieving?

  30. Do you think I fight fair? How can I better resolve the conflict we do have?

  31. Would you be willing to go to counseling? How do you feel about counseling in general?

  32. What types of jokes do you consider not appropriate?

  33. To what extent do you feel a significant other should support a partner who gets in trouble with the law?

  34. Are there any addiction triggers in your life?

  35. Describe love as an emotion and then as a feeling.

  36. What were three qualities that attracted you to me?

  37. How do you feel is the best way to address a problem?

  38. How do you like to be shown love?

  39. What country do you think is the most romantic?

  40. What do you remember from when we fell in love?

  41. What moment have you felt the most proud of me?

  42. Out of the five senses, which is the most sensual to you?

  43. (Fill in the blank) My sexiest feature is… ?

  44. Is there anything you’re scared to try?

  45. What makes our relationship strong?

  46. Share a time you were embarrassed.

  47. If we met again for the first time, but with all the knowledge of our relationship, what would you want to say to me?

  48. What question have you always wanted to ask me but never have?

  49. If you could relive one day together, which would it be?

  50. What’s your favorite memory of us?

  51. Is our relationship physical enough for you? What would make it better?

  52. What is the best part of our relationship?

  53. If you could, what would you change about your childhood?

  54. What is something that you’re afraid to tell anyone else?

  55. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Why?

  56. How and where do you like to be touched?

  57. Do you have any fantasies we should fulfill?

  58. Name a time when you felt closest to me.

  59. Is there anything we haven’t tried that you’d like to do (physically, sexually, emotionally, experientially)?

  60. Is there a difference we have that makes us complementary?

  61. Can you share a time when our differences helped us understand each other?

  62. What aspect of our relationship would be vital to teach others about?

  63. What is your biggest regret?

  64. How and when did you know we’d make it as a couple?

  65. Do you have a fear that we’ve never talked about?

  66. What do you feel is your biggest weakness?

  67. What was something you lacked in a younger version of yourself?

  68. What have you learned about relationships from your parents?

  69. Can you describe a moment when you felt truly alive?

  70. What do you think is the most critical component of a family?

  71. Do you believe that true love is more than just a feeling?

  72. What do you think is the most interesting fact about me?

  73. How would you define ‘success’ in life?

  74. Where do you see yourself in (1,5,10,15,20) years?

  75. What’s your favorite way to relax?

  76. How often do you contemplate the past?

  77. What do you think are signs of a healthy relationship?

  78. What values do you think we share? Where do they differ?

  79. Is there a particular place that makes you feel comfortable?

  80. What is your favorite thing to do together?

  81. What song is the soundtrack to your life?

  82. What’s your favorite photograph of the two of us?

  83. What new thing do you want to try together?

  84. If you could relive one day with me, what day would it be? Why?

  85. Do you think you can tell when I’m upset? How?

  86. What trait do you admire most about me?

  87. Do you like spending time in nature?

  88. Is affection in a relationship important to you?

  89. In what moment did you feel the most loved by me?

  90. When you’re stressed, what’s the best thing I can do for you?

  91. What boosts your confidence?

  92. What do you believe are the biggest obstacles in our relationship?

  93. Where would you choose if we had the opportunity to explore any place together?

  94. Can you share a cherished memory from your childhood?

  95. Which book, movie, or television series has profoundly influenced you? What is your greatest fear?

  96. How do you believe you demonstrate your love for me?

  97. Which toy brought you the most joy during your childhood?

  98. What aspect of life exhilarates you the most?

  99. Which trait do you value most about yourself?

  100. How significant is physical intimacy to you?

  101. What is the most memorable present I’ve ever given you?

  102. Is there a song that reminds you of me?

  103. Do you like being alone?

  104. Can you recall when you felt most supported by me?

  105. How much value do you place on family?

  106. In your opinion, what constitutes the foundation of a satisfying and robust relationship?

  107. Can you pinpoint when you first realized you were in love with me?

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