Powerful Blessing Prayer For Your Husband: Transform His Life Today!

Young black woman praying for her husband, while walking in nature!

Table of Contents

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22, ESV

What does Proverbs 18:22 mean?

We hear this verse everywhere, but do you ever think about why having a wife is a good thing? Furthermore, what is this favor about? What is the favor a man will find when he finds a wife?

Favor means approval, support, or liking for someone or something.

So if a man finds a wife, he will have God’s support and a good thing in the woman. 

The AMP version says, He who finds a [true and faithful] wife finds a good thing and obtains favor and approval from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22, AMP

The clarifying phrase “true and faithful” contrasts with the many warnings in Proverbs about the contentious or quarrelsome wife and a morally deficient wife (Proverbs 21:19Proverbs 12:4Proverbs 14:1).

Recommended Reading: Learn Why Your Husband Need’s Your More Than You Think

A wife with moral strength, character, and faith is a wise woman; that woman is a good thing to find. Hence, we see the model wife (and woman) in Proverbs 31:10 as spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous.

I believe that as you go through each of these verses, you see the good wife described as someone who worships, prays, and has faith. This blog will help you become a faith filled woman that prays big prayers.

Why should we pray powerful prayers over our husbands?

We see countless stories about women praying mountain moving prayers. We cannot overlook the fact that many great men in this world, both past and present, are products of prayerful women.

  • Ruth Graham, Billy Graham’s wife
  • Susannah Spurgeon, Charles Spurgeon’s wife
  • Kathy Keller, Tim Keller’s wife 
  • Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s wife

These were great men who did massive things for Jesus Christ. What made these men were prayers and conversations with the women who understood their position in God.

In this generation, great things are still happening. Women are still producing great fruits through the power of prayers. I want you to be one of the couples listed above that helps significantly impact the kingdom.  

For this reason, I am writing this blog for every woman that will leverage the great gift of prayer to elevate their husband to reach new heights. For this reason, I prepared these short but powerful prayers that are very important in the life of every man, including your husband.

These prayers are based on the Biblical promises of God for His people. These prayers will do great wonders for both you and your family. I encourage you to be a praying wife as your powerful prayers changes everything.

What is a powerful blessing prayer for my husband?

We recommend you take these 7 days of fervent prayers as a sacrifice to God for your husband. I recommend that you couple it with fasting. You can use these prayers in any particular order! Pray these short prayers and see God manifest His glory in your husband’s life.

1. A Prayer For Your Husband To See The Fruit Of His Labor

Couple walking in an open field, the woman is reciting a blessing prayer for husband


They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. No longer will they build houses and others live in them, or plant and others eat. For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands. They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them. Isaiah 65:21-23, NIV


God has great plans for your husband, and His will is for him to be great. God is not pleased with your husband’s failure; success requires effort, including work and prayer. Your husband must do the work, and your prayers attract divine power for his excellence.

Proverbs 16:3 emphasizes committing works to the Lord for established thoughts. Prayer serves as the connection to heaven. As a wife, you are one with your husband, and it’s your right to commit his works to God. James 5:16 encourages praying for one another. Remember, God is pleased when you pray for your husband, so pray and witness God’s promises manifest in his life.

Prayer For My Husband

Dear God, I bless you this hour for your love over your people. I praise your name for being our God, and I thank you for making [husband’s name] to be my husband. Every good thing comes from you, Lord. I pray for your grace in the life of my husband. Please, make him to be fruitful in whatever he does. Bless him to reap the fruits of his labor. Bless the works of his hands and multiply his seed according to your promise through your prophet Isaiah. Father God, I know there are things that I might’ve missed and therefore I pray for my husband to grow in relationship with you as I know that will give him all that he needs. I pray in the name of Christ Jesus, my Lord. Amen.

2. A Prayer For Your Husband To Find Forgiveness & Live Righteously

Couple in an open area eating dinner with each other.


Blessed [fortunate, prosperous, favored by God] is he whose transgression is forgiven, And whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute wickedness, And in whose spirit there is no deceit. Psalm 32:1-2, AMP


This verse invites God’s blessings into our lives by turning away from sin. Sin is a constant force in human nature, and we may find ourselves on the wrong path if not managed. As a good wife, you can safeguard your husband by praying.

While there are various ways to guide him, prayer is indispensable. Pray to God for guidance, protection from temptation, and transformation if needed.

Remember, seeking God’s blessings is meaningful only when accompanied by repentance and a pure heart. Pray for holiness and righteousness, acknowledging that these virtues come from the Lord through the Holy Spirit’s transformative power. Let’s earnestly pray for the Lord to take control of their lives.

Prayer For My Husband

Dear God, whom we worship in spirit and in truth, and who desires truth in the inward part of our heart, hallowed be your name. Let your Spirit come and fill my husband’s heart. Let your will be done through the divine direction of your Spirit. Please give my husband the right power and wisdom to live by the Spirit this day.

Forgive him all his shortcomings, and let your glory reign in his life. Lead him not into temptations but deliver him from every power of evil. Heaven and earth are yours, Lord, and you have the power to do all things.

All glory and honor belong to you. Lord, I ask, let the people see your glory through my husband. Lord, I know there are things that I might’ve missed and therefore I pray for my husband to grow in relationship with you as I know that will give him all that he needs. This I ask in the precious name of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Recommended Reading: Questions that will help you both find forgiveness with each other

3. A Prayer For Your Husband To Find Transformation & Guidance From The God Almighty

Couple walking in an open area holding hands.


“I, [Wisdom, continuously] walk in the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of justice, That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth and true riches, And that I may fill their treasuries. Proverbs 8:20-21, AMP


As a wife, we can fervently pray for their spiritual growth. Even if he isn’t a “good man,” pray for the Lord to transform him. Your prayers are powerful, and as your husband, you can influence him through prayer.

God is watching and waiting for your action. Pray for the Lord to lead him on the path of righteousness, ensuring he lacks nothing. As David expressed in Psalm 23, God can restore and lead him in righteousness, preparing a table of blessings in his life. Our prayer is for God to transform and guide your husband on the path of righteousness, manifesting His blessings in his life.

Prayer For My Husband

Dear Heavenly Father, you are great, and you cannot change. You are the God that has the power to change all things. Life and death are in your hands. You have shown your glorious power through various means right from the foundation of the world till this generation. You still remain the same. Merciful God, please hear the prayer of my humble heart and bless the life of my husband. Father God, please, I commit my husband’s life into your gracious hand. I ask, please lead him in the path of your righteousness.

Deliver his soul from the bondage of sin and restore him to your glorious light of salvation. Put in him the right spirit and the wisdom to fear you in all things. Transform him completely and make him a light to those around him.

Please grow my husband’s spiritual walk with you God. And I pray that wherever he is and everything he does, you are with him and your presence will cause him to walk and inherit all blessings according to your promise. You are faithful, Lord, and your word is true. Please, according to your word, lead him and God bless his life with good treasures all the days of his life. Lord, I know there are things that I might’ve missed and therefore I pray for my husband to grow in relationship with you as I know that will give him all that he needs. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

4. A Prayer For Your Husband To See The Desires Of The Heart

Couple in an open area laughing and having a great time.


And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14:13-14, NIV


The Lord is ready to respond to our prayers, and He acts based on what we pray for. It’s not about wishes or thoughts but about the prayers we offer. Have you prayed for your husband, considering that your prayers bring him favor in God’s eyes?

Don’t just watch your husband pray for himself; it’s your responsibility as a woman to care for him, and praying is one of the greatest services you can provide. God rarely turns down a woman’s prayer. You have the right to dedicate your husband to God, asking for what you want for him.

Don’t worry about having the perfect prayer pattern; you know what you want for your husband. You know what your husband is striving for.

These are the things you need to pray for. Put God first; pray for your husband’s needs, just as you would ask for a favor. Use meaningful names for God and express your emotions while praying. Believing is crucial; have faith before you pray. Take a minute to pray for your husband, sacrificing this time for his well-being.

Prayer For My Husband

[Insert all the things that your husband is attempting to do] I ask the Good Lord to answer me as I pray all these things according to His word. May my husband obtain the divine favor of the Lord and be blessed abundantly through my prayer. Lord, I know there are things that I might’ve missed and therefore I pray for my husband to grow in relationship with you as I know that will give him all that he needs. I ask all these things in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

5. A Prayer For Your Husband To Receive The Wisdom Of God 

Couple in a forest looking laughing and having a great time.


Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord. Proverbs 8:34-35, NIV


Wisdom is essential for a fulfilling life, but not all wisdom guarantees greatness. The wisdom of man may guide actions but doesn’t ensure success.

We’re discussing God’s standard of wisdom, which is distinct. Your husband might have wisdom, but the one from God is holy, righteous, and transcends worldly laws. Today’s verse emphasizes that discovering God’s word can lead to a breakthrough, success, and good health.

As a beloved wife and child of God, remember that wisdom from the Lord comes through prayer. God encourages us to ask Him for anything, including wisdom.

Make the wise decision to pray for your husband’s wisdom. God eagerly awaits your prayers. Even if your husband hasn’t prioritized these prayers, don’t hesitate to pray for him. These prayers can transform your family in the light of God. Let’s pray together.

Prayer For My Husband

Heavenly Father and Eternal King of Glory, I honor you because you are worthy. You are great; your mercy and grace endure forever. All generations will see your glory and magnify your reign. I thank you, and I pray for your grace. Please, Father God, give my husband wisdom. Your word says that fools despise wisdom, so I pray that you bless my husband and renew his mind in your wisdom. Let every aspect of his life that is not shaped in your wisdom be renewed by the power of your spirit of wisdom.

Let any part that has lost your wisdom be replenished in the name of Jesus. Bless him for your name’s sake and cause him to obtain wisdom in your site. Lord, I know there are things that I might’ve missed and therefore I pray for my husband to grow in relationship with you as I know that will give him all that he needs. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

6. A Prayer For Your Husband To Receive The Same Blessings of Abraham 

Couple walking on the right path in an open field as they walk towards a dinner table.


I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. Genesis 12:2, NIV


When the Lord says “Yes,” no one can say “No” because no one can shut a door that the Lord opens. Today, the Lord’s message is about making your husband great—a blessing you shouldn’t doubt. Don’t dismiss it as just for Abraham; those blessings are for us too. We inherit them through faith in Christ (Galatians 3:14).

In essence, what God revealed to Abraham, He is revealing to you about your husband. Claim it by faith, as God promised that through faith in Christ, we inherit Abraham’s blessings. If you truly have faith in Jesus, now is the time to pray for those blessings to manifest in your husband’s life. Our God is faithful and living.

Galatians 3:7 reassures that those who have faith are children of Abraham. So, believe and pray for the blessings God has in store for your husband.

Prayer For My Husband

Heavenly Father, here I am today because of your love. Your word is true, and it has given me life in essence. Lord, I thank you for everything that has happened in my family. I thank you for the gift of love and peace. I thank you for the gift of life, even my husband, you have used to bless my life. Whether good or bad, my husband is a big blessing in my life. You gave him to me and made us to become one through the power of Holy Matrimony.

Lord, here we are today, living and trying to get better each day that passes. Though we have failed you countless times, your presence continued to be with us to protect us from the devil’s plans.

I thank you, our Beloved Father, who can do what no other father can do. Dear Father, I am before you now not because I am worthy, but due to the power of your grace, I have come with a humble and contrite heart. Please attend to the prayer of your child. You already know everything, and I believe you know why I have come to you this hour.

I believe that you have answered me already, even though I have not mentioned my heart’s desires. But irrespective of that, I will open my heart and declare the desires of my heart to you, Lord, according to your word. You promise that you will bless us and fulfill the desires of our hearts. You promised that through our faith, you will bless us with the blessings of Abraham.

Lord, if I do not have faith in you, I wouldn’t be here this moment. I pray, Lord, in your mercy and grace, God bless my husband according to your promise. Remove evil from my husband’s heart and every power of sin that will hinder this prayer.

According to your grace, let all that you promised Abraham to be made manifest in his life in the mighty name of Jesus. Bless all his endeavors, bless his works, and make him a light and blessing to those around him. Lord, I know there are things that I might’ve missed and therefore I pray for my husband to grow in relationship with you as I know that will give him all that he needs. Through the power in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

7. A Prayer For Your Husband To Be Diligent

Couple walking in an open field praying that the Lord Bless them.


Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare. Proverbs 20:13, NIV


God desires the best for us, but one thing He dislikes is laziness, as it hinders our destiny. Diligence is crucial for prosperity. Your husband, as a seed of God, can work and sow seeds for a fruitful harvest. God emphasizes blessings on labor and the fruits that come from it. Encourage your husband to persevere, remembering the advice to sow in the morning and not withhold his hand in the evening.

Remind him not to give up, and support him with prayers for strength and courage. God promises renewed strength to those who wait on Him. Pray against laziness and unproductiveness. Trust that the Lord will guide and strengthen him.

Prayer For My Husband

Mighty and Everlasting Redeemer, you are our strength when we are weak, our courage in times of depression, and our hope when there is nothing to hold onto. You are our Lord and Savior, the good Shepherd of our soul. I bless and honor you because your word is absolute. You are the Glorious Judge that Judges in righteousness and holiness. Lord, nothing is enough to express our gratitude towards your love in our lives.

All I have to offer is a humble heart of praise and thanks. Please accept my offering, dear Lord. In as much as you have done great things for us, we still find ourselves falling away from the path you have laid for us. Please forgive all our shortcomings and restore the joy of your salvation in our lives.

Feed us this day with your goodness and destroy all works of darkness against our lives. Merciful one, I commit my husband into your redeeming hands. As your word has warned us not to sleep when we are supposed to work, please give my husband your wisdom and strength to be diligent and shrewd in all his ways.

Most importantly, the right mind to fear you and obey your words in whatever he commits to do. I pray Lord that you bless my husband’s work according to your faithful words. Lastly Lord I pray that my husband’s work is always filled with passion and purpose! Lord, I know there are things that I might’ve missed and therefore I pray for my husband to grow in relationship with you as I know that will give him all that he needs. I pray Lord that you help my husband seek first your kingdom and then you add and multiply all these things in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Recommended Reading: Best Books To Develop A Better Prayer Life

My Prayer For You, His Wife

Dear Lord, I consistently pray for each and every praying wife. I pray, Lord, that you strengthen them, you strengthen their marriage. I pray you give each wife a fervent faith, a faith that is contagious to everyone they come in contact with. I pray, Lord, for a faith that lights these young women on fire. Lord, I pray for a faith that keeps their prayer life healthy and strong. Lord, I pray that each of these women constantly seek God and that the Lord will bless each one of them.

Lord, I pray for renewed strength for each and every woman; I pray that you break away holds or chains from past hurts and past heartbreaks. I pray for their entire family that their children pray constantly and continuously. Their husband’s future is bright; you give him Godly wisdom, and he lives a life free from shame and condemnation. God bless each and everyone of you!

Recommended Reading: 25 Prayers For Husband & Wife To Pray Together


And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt  bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall  be loosed in heaven. – Matthew 16:19

When you reflect on this verse the first thing that comes to mind is that  when the Lord is with a man, no one can be against that man. The Lord is faithful  and He wants the best for us which we have confirmed so far.

We believe that if God can be with your husband there is nothing that  will stop him from making great exploit through the blessings of God.  Therefore, use each day to release God’s word over your husband for the Lord to be with him. As you make decrees through we stand in agreement that the Lord will answer!

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