How To Have Great Sex In A Christian Marriage

How To Have Great Sex In A Christian Marriage

July 21, 2024

Table of Contents

Have you ever felt like your marriage has become more about to-do lists and less about connection? As Christian couples, we’re often told that marriage is a divine gift, yet many of us struggle to keep the flame of intimacy burning. Why do single people seem to have all the fun while married couples—especially Christians—are portrayed as uninterested in sex?

The truth is, life gets busy. The demands of children, careers, finances, and everyday stress can push our relationships to the back burner. This can leave our sex lives feeling lackluster or, worse, non-existent. It’s disheartening that something God created to be beautiful and fulfilling can become a source of frustration.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We believe that Christians should have better sex—filled with passion, joy, and a deep connection. God designed sex to be a vital part of marriage, and it’s time for us to reclaim that gift. In this blog, we’ll explore how to have great sex in a Christian marriage, offering practical tips and spiritual insights to help you reignite the spark and deepen your bond with your spouse.

Are you ready to transform your intimate life and experience the fullness of what God intended for your marriage? Let’s dive in and discover how to make your love life vibrant and fulfilling once again.

What the Bible Says About Sex and Why It Matters

When we talk about sex in marriage from a biblical perspective, it’s not just about rules—it’s about understanding how God designed it to enrich our lives and relationships. Here’s a simplified look at what the Bible says and why it matters:

Paul makes it clear that both spouses have equal authority over each other’s bodies. The marriage bed should be a place of mutuality and satisfaction, where both husband and wife find fulfillment.

Understanding the Context

In 1 Corinthians 7:1-7, the Apostle Paul addresses the Corinthian church, which had mixed views on sexuality. Some people thought it was better to avoid sexual activity altogether, while others needed guidance on maintaining intimacy within marriage. Paul offers a balanced view, emphasizing that sex is a vital part of marital life.

Mutual Responsibility and Equality

Paul makes it clear that both spouses have equal authority over each other’s bodies. This means that both partners are responsible for meeting each other’s needs and showing respect. Mutual pleasure is essential in sexual intimacy, as it emphasizes the importance of bringing joy and satisfaction to your spouse. It’s not about one partner having more control; it’s about mutual care and equality.

Purpose of Marital Sexual Intimacy

Sex in marriage serves several important purposes:

  • Prevents Immorality: By being intimate with your spouse, you guard against temptation and infidelity.
  • Builds Intimacy: Regular sexual connection strengthens your bond and deepens your emotional closeness through physical intimacy.
  • Affirms the Relationship: It’s a way to show love and commitment, reinforcing the partnership and unity between you and your spouse.

Temporary Abstinence for Spiritual Reasons

Paul acknowledges that there might be times when couples choose to abstain from sex for spiritual reasons, like prayer. However, this should be temporary and agreed upon by both partners. The goal is to avoid disrupting your connection and to return to intimacy promptly to maintain a strong relationship.

Why It Matters

The Bible offers profound wisdom on how we should navigate our relationships, especially in marriage. The dynamics of sexual intimacy within a marriage relationship are crucial for mutual satisfaction and understanding between spouses.

In 1 Corinthians 7:3-4, it states, “The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.” 1 Corinthians 7:5 adds, ”Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

Understanding the Obligation

The Bible uses the word “duty” to stress that sexual intimacy in Christian marriages is not optional—it’s an obligation, just like taking care of the children, paying the bills, etc. For most of us today, the word obligation or duty can be unexciting. But we believe the Bible uses the word duty for several reasons:

Duty stops us from rejecting our spouse

When one spouse’s need for sex isn’t met, it’s more than just a physical issue—it deeply affects emotional and psychological well-being. Understanding that both partners are sexual beings and emphasizing mutual satisfaction is crucial for a fulfilling relationship. Here’s how:

Emotional Impact: Rejection can make a spouse feel unloved or unimportant. This feeling of being dismissed can hurt self-esteem and mood, affecting overall emotional health.

Eroding Self-Esteem: A spouse who feels rejected may question their attractiveness or worth, leading to decreased self-confidence. This can influence how they view themselves and their role in the relationship.

Creating Emotional Distance: Repeated rejection can cause a rift, making the rejected spouse withdraw emotionally. This growing distance makes it harder to communicate and resolve issues.

Increasing Conflict: Rejection often leads to frustration and resentment, which can escalate into arguments and conflicts, making other marital issues more difficult to address.

Triggering Insecurity: Feelings of rejection can spark anxiety and insecurity about the relationship, leading to mistrust and further strain.

Impact on Future Intimacy: Emotional distance and reduced self-esteem can affect future intimacy, creating a cycle of disconnection.

Understanding these effects highlights the importance of addressing each other’s needs to maintain a strong, healthy relationship.

Duty Helps Us Avoid Temptation

When a spouse’s sexual needs are unmet, they might look for fulfillment outside the marriage, which can be damaging in several ways:

Seeking Fulfillment Elsewhere: Unmet needs can push a spouse towards emotional or physical affairs, sexual activity outside the marriage, or lead them to pornography and masturbation. These alternatives often create further distance between partners and undermine trust and intimacy.

Eroding Trust: Engaging in these activities can breach the foundational trust in a marriage. Trust, once damaged, is difficult to rebuild and can lead to long-term issues in the relationship.

Feelings of Isolation: When needs aren’t met, the neglected spouse may feel isolated and unsupported, intensifying feelings of loneliness and emotional detachment.

Increased Resentment: The buildup of unmet needs and subsequent actions can foster resentment and frustration, making conflicts more frequent and intense.

Straining the Relationship: These issues not only affect immediate intimacy but also put a strain on the overall relationship. The cycle of unmet needs and resultant actions can create a persistent sense of dissatisfaction.

How To Make Sex Enjoyable in Your Christian Marriage

Now that we understand the Bible views sex as a non-negotiable aspect of marriage, it’s time to shift our focus to how we can make this essential part of our relationship both fulfilling and enjoyable. Embracing the biblical perspective on intimacy is just the beginning. Next, we’ll explore practical ways to enhance your sexual relationship within married life, ensuring it brings joy and deepens the connection between you and your spouse. Let’s dive into creating a vibrant and satisfying sex life that honors both your partner and your faith.

What are the key aspects of great sex?

Vulnerable Communication

What to Do:

  • Initiate Conversations: Set aside regular times to talk openly about your sex life. This could be during a relaxed evening or a dedicated ”relationship check-in” time. Ensure it’s a safe and non-judgmental space.
  • Share Desires and Boundaries: Each partner should express their desires, fantasies, and boundaries clearly. Women tend to value emotional intimacy, so consider this when discussing your needs. Use”I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory (e.g., ”I would really enjoy it if we tried X” instead of ”You never do X”).
  • Give and Receive Feedback: Offer constructive feedback and listen to your partner’s input. Focus on how certain actions make you feel rather than criticizing what’s not working.
  • Be Honest and Kind: Honesty is crucial, but so is kindness. If something isn’t working for you, frame it as a suggestion for improvement rather than a criticism.

How to Do It:

  • Use a “Check-In” Ritual: Make it a habit to check in with each other about your intimate life, perhaps once a week or after each intimate encounter.
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Questions like ”What did you enjoy most about last night?” or ”Is there something new you’d like to try?” can open up deeper conversations.
  • Reaffirm Your Commitment: Let each other know that discussing sex is part of building a stronger relationship, not a criticism of each other.

Exploration and Experimentation

What to Do:

  • Research Together: Look up new techniques or ideas that interest both of you. This might include reading articles, watching educational videos, or visiting sexual wellness stores together.
  • Try New Things Gradually: Introduce new elements slowly to avoid overwhelming each other. Start with smaller changes, like different types of touch or new positions, and gauge comfort levels.
  • Create a Safe Space for Experimentation: Agree that trying something new is about exploring, not judging. Encourage each other to be open-minded and supportive.

How to Do It:

  • Use “Yes, No, Maybe” Lists: Each partner can list things they are willing to try, things they are not interested in, and things they are curious about. Share these lists and discuss them together.
  • Set Up “Date Nights” for Exploration: Dedicate specific nights to trying something new. Plan together what you’d like to explore, and ensure it’s something both of you are excited about.
  • Keep a Journal: Maintain a shared journal where you record what you’ve tried, what you liked, and what you might want to explore further.

Emotional and Physical Intimacy

What to Do:

  • Build Emotional Intimacy: Spend quality time together engaging in activities that strengthen your emotional bond. This might include talking about your day, sharing dreams, or participating in hobbies you both enjoy.
  • Increase Physical Affection: Beyond sexual activities, increase non-sexual physical touch like holding hands, cuddling, or hugging. This can enhance overall intimacy and comfort.
  • Create Anticipation: Build excitement through flirtation and teasing throughout the day, not just during intimate moments. Small gestures like a lingering touch or suggestive texts can keep the connection alive.

How to Do It:

  • Schedule Quality Time: Plan regular date nights or activities that foster connection, free from distractions. Thishelps reinforce your bond and set the stage for a more fulfilling sex life.
  • Practice Mindful Touch: When engaging in physical touch, focus on being present. Pay attention to your partner’s reactions and adjust your touch to what they seem to enjoy.
  • Express Appreciation: Regularly acknowledge and express gratitude for your partner’s efforts and the positive aspects of your intimate life. This can enhance feelings of closeness and mutual respect.

By focusing on these areas with intention and care, couples can deepen their connection and enhance their sexual intimacy, leading to more fulfilling and mind-blowing encounters.


Understanding and embracing God’s design for sex in marriage can transform not just your intimate life but your overall relationship. By recognizing the biblical perspective that sex is a mutual duty and not an optional extra, you can prevent rejection, avoid temptation, and foster a deeper connection with your spouse. The key to a fulfilling sexual relationship lies in open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to explore new experiences together.

By making sex an integral, enjoyable part of your marriage, you honor your commitment to each other and strengthen the bond that keeps your relationship vibrant and sexual relationship lies in open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to explore new experiences together. By making sex an integral, enjoyable part of your marriage, you honor your commitment to each other and strengthen the bond that keeps your relationship vibrant and resilient.

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