Embrace Womanhood: Uncover Your Purpose

December 4, 2023

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Embrace Womanhood: Uncover Your Purpose

This is part II of the series on Womanhood. In case you missed part 1:
Womanhood, the Meaning of It All

The purpose of this blog series is to:

  • Encourage you

  • Help you understand more about yourself 

  • Clarify why you are the way you are

If a woman doesn’t know why she is the way she is, she will continue to be misunderstood and misused. In reading this blog series, both women and men can secure a better relationship with the opposite sex if they understand and apply these truths.

Let’s Dive In…

“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
Proverbs 19:21

God created females and males with specific purposes, which were beautifully designed to fulfill them; this means their design is unchangeable.

Psychology attempts to unravel the purpose of women and men, yet it falls short in shaping the unalterable design and intentions set by God. Its quest is merely to delve into the enigmas surrounding the essence of both genders, forever yearning for answers.

Theology similarly endeavors to shed light on the purpose of humanity, but it, too, cannot bend God’s will. What theology proclaims about God and humanity only holds true when it faithfully captures their innate nature, leaving us longing for a more profound understanding.

Tangent: Theology is limited if it is based on only what a person has experienced. A person should never build a doctrine based solely on their experience with God or what they perceive their experience to have been. Don't ever confuse your limited knowledge of God with biblical doctrine because your knowledge may change tomorrow. What you know about God today is what He has shown you so far. Tomorrow, you will know and understand more. 

God Created Everything with a Purpose

Now, let’s delve into the intriguing essence of purpose itself. Purpose embodies the original intention of a creator when giving life to something extraordinary. It is the driving force behind the creator’s skilled craftsmanship, shaping their creation with utmost care. Purpose ignites the spark for creation.

Given that God is the epitome of purpose, every creation stems from Him. He never merely hopes for a favorable outcome; instead, He meticulously envisions it before bringing it to life. Hence He always begins with a finished product in mind.

Everything is the way it is because of the reason for its creation, driven by its purpose. The why shapes the design. God, the Creator, fashioned everything with a purpose and endowed it with the capacity to fulfill its intended objective. God’s purposes were meticulously mapped out in advance; everything was already “conceived” in the mind of the Maker before it came into existence.

What this means is that God never gives a purpose to something after He has made it; rather, He builds everything to fulfill the specific purpose He already had in mind for it. God designed everything to function in its purpose, and everything is the way it is because its purpose requires it to be so. The purpose of a thing determines its nature, its design, and its features.

To truly grasp the complexities of our human nature, we find ourselves drawn to the Manual bestowed upon us by the Creator.

Purpose And Creation In A New Light

Imagine purchasing a camera. While you may not grasp every intricate detail about its manufacturing process, each component is vital for its intended functionality. Your unfamiliarity with all of its designs hinders you from operating it as the creator intended, hence never using the camera’s true potential.

One day you can’t get the camera to do what you want. Chances are there probably isn’t anything wrong with it; you just don’t know how it works. If you can’t operate the camera, it doesn’t mean that you should throw it away. You have another option. Because the creator designed the product, they know all the features and functions and can provide a manual for you to refer to.

Regarding male-female relationships, it is as if we have bought the camera without proper training on how to operate it. It’s like we’ve got this camera but no clue how to capture the perfect shot. We have disregarded the manual and are frustrated or angry because we cannot get our relationships to work-usually after paying good money for them, too.

The issue, however, is that God is our Designer and Manufacturer. He knows what He wants when He thinks of the female and the male.

Before bringing them into existence, He precisely planned every detail, ensuring their flawless functionality. With an unwavering vision in mind, He crafted them to align perfectly with His intended purpose. Rest assured, God did not experiment or leave anything to chance. He embarked on the manufacturing process with an original design in mind, producing a finished product that embodies His divine intention. Intriguingly, only He holds the key to humanity’s triumphant fulfillment.

Let us explore our purpose through his manual, The Bible!

Purpose Determines Design & Position

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22-33, NIV

A woman is placed under authority and submission not because she is less but because of her function. Men and women have the privilege of being different. These differences are due to their specific roles in exercising dominion over the earth.

What Is A Woman’s Role?

The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Genesis 2:23-24, NIV

The first created male was not destined for isolation or to fulfill his calling alone. Hence woman was created as a co-leader who shares his vision and works with him to accomplish what they were both created to do.

Every wise woman encourages and builds up her family, but a foolish woman over time will tear it down by her own actions. Proverbs 14:1, TPT

The woman empowers and amplifies the man, taking who he is and what he possesses, igniting a fire within. As a result, his leadership becomes powerful, and together, they turn their shared vision into an extraordinary reality, craving for more.

The Woman Is the Man’s Companion

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.
Genesis 2:18, NIV

From the beginning, the female exists as the perfect companion for the male. She offers him more than just companionship; she fulfills his desires and shares his vision. In her, he finds a vital part of his own life. Created to ensure he never has to face solitude, she becomes his ultimate life companion.

“Companion” means to accompany, attend, and even guide someone.

Recommended Reading: The True Meaning of "Helper" in the Bible

The Woman Is Good for the Man

God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.”

When God uttered these words, it was with the intention that He was about to create something truly remarkable for man. It is in this context that the Word emphasizes the innate goodness of women, as they were created to enhance and enrich the lives of men.

I want to say to my women readers that God knew what men needed, and it was you.

When one thing is tailor-made for another, it possesses everything the other thing desires within its very essence. Therefore, everything God created and placed in the female is good and “needed” for the male.

To be clear, God said that next to Himself, the number two thing that a man needs is a woman. So, to all the men out there, despite what your past experiences in relationships might have been, a woman is, by her very nature, good for a man.

Unfortunately, if a woman fails to comprehend her essence, she risks misusing her potential. Similarly, a man who lacks understanding of a woman’s purpose may unintentionally hinder her, creating a dysfunctional relationship.

The Woman Shares the Man’s Vision

Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.
1 Peter 3:7, NIV

A woman empowers a man to fulfill their shared vision and purpose. She actively engages in this vision, providing unwavering support and assistance to help him achieve it. When a man has a vision, a woman becomes a catalyst, passionately driving its realization with unwavering determination.

Meaning you both have equal responsibility in this vision.


The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Genesis 2:15-17, NIV

As a woman, you may ask yourself why you need to get behind his vision. Well. In Genesis, we read that God made men first. Afterward, God revealed all His creations to men and entrusted the male to steward the earth.

In this, we see God gave man dominion and vision first. I want to impress upon women that this order comes from God, not men. Therefore following the men and this vision is not your husband’s idea but God’s!

Furthermore, the male must have a vision for himself, his family, and all those under his influence. He must have a vision, for he was created to be like his father, who is the ultimate visionary.

Recommended Reading: How to Stay Married in an Unequally Yoked Relationship and Thrive

After God gave man vision, responsibility, and work in the Garden, God said, “I’m going to create a helper for the man.”

The order is why one of the purposes of the woman is to share in the vision and responsibilities of the male.

Both men and women were never meant to carry out their ministries or God’s vision alone. They were destined to empower and complement each other. In this divine partnership, every talent, gift, expertise, experience, and education that a woman possesses serves as a catalyst to help fulfill God’s vision alongside the man. Their dynamic synergy sparks a desire for more, igniting a shared purpose.

When men and women don’t understand their purposes, they end up using their talents against one another:

  • The woman uses her talents to prove she doesn’t need a man. 

  • The man uses his talent to belittle the woman to display his superiority over her.

When this happens, both of them lose their purpose in life, and both of them are dissatisfied because she can’t fulfill her purpose without him, and he needs her to help him fulfill his purpose.

Both of their lives lose meaning in these moments, leaving both dissatisfied. Although the woman yearns to fulfill her purpose, she doesn’t realize it’s through him, and the man fails to fulfill his purpose without her help. Sadly they need each other but end up working against each other.

What Vision Did God Give To Man?

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Genesis 2:15-17, NIV

God said (paraphrasing), “Here’s the Garden:

  1. Conquer it, cultivate it, and improve it.

  2. Make it surpass its current state.

  3. Expand it and yield more abundance.”

In essence, “Take this planet and make it flourish beyond measure. There are hidden treasures in this soil, waiting to bear fruit. Turn it into a bountiful harvest. There is gold within the mountains. Unearth it. Rough diamonds are waiting to be discovered. Extract them. I will send you a helper to achieve this feat.”

Again, the dominion assignment was given to both men and women- meaning that women should help men fulfill their vision in all areas of life. However, when the man sees the woman entering the corporate office, he becomes intimidated, believing that her place is only in the home. This notion or idea, however, did not come from God.

This beautiful, precious gift of the woman was given to men so that they wouldn’t be alone. Yet do you know what men do to women? They despise the very thing that was given to them for companionship and help. Women were made to share the man’s vision and to help him fulfill it.

The dominion assignment was given to both men and women.

How Can Women Help The Assignment?

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Ephesians 5:33, NIV

One of the ways a woman can help a man to fulfill the vision is to give him respect.

The woman can bless, support, and honor the man. One of the most captivating ways to achieve this is by nourishing his ego with abundant love and encouragement. Let him feel your unwavering belief in his potential.

Meanwhile, the man stands as the head, covering and protecting her. He provides an inspiring vision for the woman to rally behind, a vision that sparks their mutual flourishing while ensuring her safety and security.

In this way, they help each other to be all they were created to be. Yet these purposes break down when the man and the woman don’t know each other’s needs.

For example, every man desires a sense of contribution and leadership. As a wife, you can create an environment where your husband feels that his input has significantly contributed to your family’s success. This creates a healthy dynamic between the two of you.

When a man truly feels the value of his contributions and realizes his vital role in life, it ignites a desire within him to serve and excel. Respect becomes his fuel, constantly driving him to strive for more. However, you will run into trouble if you make him feel unimportant, unnecessary, or not valuable. He is some sayings to avoid (from firsthand experience):

  • “Well, I don’t need you anyway.”

  • “I’ve always been capable of taking care of myself.”

  • “I’ll figure it out.”

  • “I’ve been successful on my own before I met you.”

  • “I am perfectly fine on my own.”

  • “I don’t need a man to validate my worth.”

  • “My life was complete before you came into it.”

  • “I can manage just fine without your help.”

  • “I’m not dependent on anyone for my happiness.”

  • “I’ve been doing great by myself, thank you”

  • “I didn’t ask for your assistance.”

When you communicate anything like the above phrases to a man, he will separate first emotionally and then physically from you. If you continue to make him feel unwanted and unneeded, he may find someone else that needs and validates his worth. That’s the person he will commit to because that’s the person who is fulfilling the needs of his hungering soul.

A man needs respect and status to feel valued.

Avoid the phrase, “Why can’t you be … with your husband? It’s a dangerous thing a woman can say to a man. Every man is his own being and has his own image of himself. Here’s a secret self-image is probably pretty low.

Embrace the task of uplifting and empowering him to overcome that image with unwavering support. Dive into comprehending his true essence and connecting with him deeply. Let the woman’s eyes be fixed on fulfilling her husband’s needs.

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