Are You Moving Too Fast In Your Relationship? Here’s How To Find Out | Simply Midori

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Relationships: When the Honeymoon Phase is Too Much

It’s so easy to get swept up in the excitement of a new relationship. The butterflies, the giddy conversations, the never-ending date nights… it’s enough to make even the most level-headed person feel a bit overwhelmed. But sometimes, things can move too quickly and leave us feeling out of control.

The Pros and Cons of Moving Quickly

On the one hand, being in a head-over-heels kind of relationship can be a lot of fun. Having someone to share your life with and explore the world with is a feeling like no other. But on the other hand, it’s important to remember that moving too quickly can be a recipe for disaster. It’s integral to create a balance between enjoying the present and still being mindful of the future.

Moving Too Fast in Relationships: What You Need to Know

A relationship can be a beautiful thing, but it’s paramount to take time to get to know the other person and make sure that you’re on the same page. Moving too quickly in a relationship can be dangerous and lead to a lot of unwanted drama and heartache.

The Risk of Moving Too Fast: Why It’s Important to Take Your Time

It can be tempting to rush into a relationship when you meet someone who sparks your interest. However, this should not stop you from assessing the situation and ensuring you’re building a healthy, sustainable relationship. When you move too quickly, it can be easy to overlook red flags, ignore important conversations, and make decisions not in your best interest, which all can lead to feelings of resentment and mistrust down the line.

To avoid these potential pitfalls, slow down and get to know the other person before diving in head-first. Furthermore, slow down and take time to get to know yourself and understand your own needs and boundaries.

We all want to find that special someone and enjoy the excitement of a blossoming relationship. However, sometimes we can find ourselves moving too fast and not even realize it. If your friends and family have raised concerns, but you aren’t quite sure what to make of it, look at these 15 signs to see if your relationship is moving too quickly.

15 Signs Your Relationship is Moving Too Fast
  • Excessive Communication: You find yourselves talking non-stop, texting 24/7, and always wanting to be around each other.

  • Shifting Priorities: You’re making your partner the center of your universe and trimming time for your friends and family.

  • Instant Gratification: You want to rush through the relationship stages and skip the small steps.

  • Social Media Posts: You quickly change your relationship status on social media and frequently post pictures with your partner.

  • Meeting the Family: You immediately introduce each other to family and friends without ensuring the relationship is stable. 

  • Moving In Together: You discuss the possibility of moving in almost immediately.

  • Talking About the Future: You’re already discussing wedding plans, children, and your future together.

  • Quickly Saying “I Love You”: You say “I love you” before you’ve had the chance to get to know each other.

  • Too Much Intimacy: You’re already engaging in physical activities that are too intimate for the beginning stage of your relationship.

  • No Time Apart: You’re not taking any time for yourselves, and spending time away from each other is hard.

  • Intensity: The relationship felt intense almost immediately after meeting the person.

  • Making Big Decisions: You are making or have already made big decisions immediately, like getting married, having children, or deciding where you want to live.

  • Blending Finances: You combine finances as if you are already married.

  • Unrealistic Goals: You already set goals together as a couple and for the relationship.

  • You Already Have Major Arguments: Arguments are a normal part of any relationship, but if you and your partner already have significant arguments, it’s a clear sign that things are moving too quickly.

If any of these signs sound familiar, it’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate your relationship to guarantee it is built on a solid foundation.

Discovered You Might Be Moving Too Fast in a Relationship? Here’s What to Do!

First, know that it’s okay; we’ve all been there. Second, we all get it. You may even want to take things slow and enjoy getting to know each other, but it’s hard to hit the brakes if everything is going so well. Don’t worry; it’s normal to feel this way! 

Here are some tips to help slow things down and create a more meaningful connection.

Take Time to Reflect Apart

We know it can be hard to step back when things are going so well. But remember that relationships are a two-way street. Take time to yourself and reflect on how the relationship makes you feel. What values are important to you? What do you want out of the relationship? Doing this will help you gain clarity and give you the space to make better decisions.

Make Time for Fun Activities Together

Getting caught up in the whirlwind of a new relationship is easy. But take some time to enjoy each other’s company without the pressure of constantly being together. Plan some fun activities that you can do together. Go for a hike, watch a movie, or picnic in the park. Doing something different will allow you to get to know each other better and create fantastic memories.

Avoid the Physical Part of the Relationship

When you first start a relationship, jumping right into physical intimacy is often tempting. But to slow down, try to focus on other aspects of the relationship, like getting to know each other’s interests, character, values, and beliefs. Ultimately this should help you create a stronger bond as it unites you two even more.

Remember and Reinstate Your Values and Identity Before the Relationship

It’s easy to lose sight of who you are and what’s important to you when you start a new relationship. Make sure to take some time for yourself and remember the values you had before the relationship. This will help you stay grounded as you realize your relationship is based on mutual respect and understanding.

Ask Friends and Family for Their Opinion

Sometimes it can be hard to see the situation objectively when you’re in the thick of it. Contact your friends and family and ask their opinion on your relationship. They’ll be able to provide a fresh perspective and help you see potential pitfalls or issues that you may be ignoring. 

Give Each Other Space to Function

Giving each other space to breathe and do the things you love is necessary. Don’t feel like you have to be together all the time. A little distance will help you appreciate each other more and create a stronger connection.

Remember: taking things slow in a relationship isn’t a bad thing. It’s an opportunity to create a more meaningful connection with your partner! After all, you’ll have your whole life together…

Wrap Up 

Nothing in life is worth rushing into. If you’re unsure whether a relationship is moving too fast, take the time to evaluate where things stand and how both people feel about it. Pay attention to signs that things may be progressing too quickly, such as excessive communication, constantly shifting priorities for each other, quickly saying “I Love You,” intense feelings, moving in together, meeting family early on, ignoring your own needs, engaging quickly in physical intimacy, making big decisions, blending finances, and making life plans together. Taking the time to slow down can help create a healthier relationship for both of you in the long run. Good luck!

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