Somatic Exercises To Feel Safe In Your Body After Trauma

Somatic Exercises To Feel Safe In Your Body After Trauma (1)

In an ideal world, feeling safe in your skin would be a birthright where no danger exists. However, post-traumatic stress disorder often robs survivors of this fundamental freedom. If you’re a trauma survivor, it can be incredibly challenging to discern when you’re truly safe. Building a foundation of safety within yourself is crucial for healing from […]

Understanding The Neurobiology of Trauma

Understanding The Neurobiology of Trauma

The brain, the most complex organ in the body, influences everything we feel and do. It’s not just about our thoughts; our emotions and actions are deeply intertwined with brain function. Comprised of various structures, each serving a unique purpose, our brain relies on the seamless coordination of multiple areas to perform everyday tasks. For instance, when we misplace our car […]

Breakthrough: Why Healing Happens In Relationships

healing happens in relationships

The fate of any relationship hinges on the delicate balance of honest sharing. Our ability to authentically engage with one another determines whether a relationship blossoms, thrives, evolves, withers, stagnates, and fades into the background. Relationships are born from individuals’ proximity and sustained presence in each other’s lives. From this physical closeness emerges what we […]

How To Tell If I Have Trauma

How To Tell If I Have Trauma

Have you ever wondered how to tell if you have trauma? Trauma is complex, as it can stem from various events and impact individuals differently. While we often associate trauma with severe conditions like PTSD, it’s crucial to recognize that untreated trauma manifests in diverse ways, sometimes subtly and unexpectedly. Each person reacts uniquely to […]

Post Traumatic Growth: Discover How to Create a Brighter Tomorrow!

Post Traumatic Growth

One might expect only hardship in the wake of trauma, whether from injury, illness, or loss. It’s always been assumed that a traumatic event leads to future problems and misery. While there’s no doubt that there are extra burdens to bear and healing to take place, research shows that many survivors experience profound growth and […]

You Are Worthy of Love: Healing Anxious Attachment In Adults

Open the Door to Change Every morning, when you look in the mirror, you see yourself and know exactly who you are. You don’t have to rediscover yourself each day; you already know your likes, such as your love for books, reading SimplyMidori, or your preference for strawberry ice cream. This identity is like the […]

Childhood Attachment: How We Learn To Love 

Watching a baby being born is like seeing something unique happen. Every parent wants to hold, cuddle, and care for their new baby. This is where everyone’s journey of love and relationships starts. Babies really depend on their caregivers to stay alive. Hence, God designed babies with a desire to connect with others and a […]

What Happens When A Person Has PTSD In A Relationship?

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a mental health condition that strongly impacts relationships. Coping with its symptoms can be challenging for both partners. If you truly care about someone with PTSD, leaving them is the least likely option. Inevitably PTSD harms the connection as the intimacy, kindness, and trust in the relationship tend to […]

What Is Love Bombing? 9 Signs In A New Relationship

Am I unknowingly love bombing or being love bombed? Love bombing is a cunning tactic employed by individuals who bombard you with overwhelming displays of attention and affection early. While initially, it may appear positive in a romantic relationship, this insidious phenomenon can lead to gaslighting and abusive behavior. Experts in psychology warn that narcissists […]

Trauma Bonding: How To Break A Trauma Bond Relationship

Trauma bonds are addictive. They produce brain chemicals that are hard to overcome. When people get involved in relationships that are toxic, they become hooked on the good experiences their spouse can bring into their lives. Breaking that addiction is essentially overcoming the undeniably strong brain chemistry created by powerful emotional experiences. It’s almost impossible […]

Trauma Bonding Test For Relationships- Are You In One?

Trauma Bond In Relationships- Decide If You’re In One I would like to start off this blog with a trauma bond test. This will help you work out if you’re in a trauma bonded relationship, are experiencing emotional abuse, or are still trauma-bonded to an ex-spouse. How do you know if you have a trauma […]

What Does A Trauma Bond With A Narcissist Look Like?

No one intentionally enters a relationship with someone who will make them feel low and miserable. It’s often the case that such individuals are manipulative and crafty, presenting a very different image of themselves at the beginning. They may initially seem charming, kind, and caring, only to reveal their true colors gradually. If your spouse […]

Unveiling Trauma Types: Identifying and Overcoming Hidden Wounds

Trauma comes from the Greek word for wound or hurt. As of today, we now have three main types of trauma (complex trauma, chronic trauma, and acute trauma), along with a better understanding of how our mental health is impacted after trauma. Explore the essence of trauma in this blog, unraveling its definition, dissecting the […]

Are You Seeking How To Heal Childhood Trauma?

How To Heal Childhood Trauma Like you, I wear many hats. I’m both curious and impatient. I’m a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a counselor, and more. I’m also someone shaped by trauma. Like many of you reading this, I’ve faced significant challenges. I recognize that my challenges are my own, but I’m […]

Zenith of Resilience: Unraveling Childhood PTSD with Triumph

“Time does not heal all wounds. One does not ‘just get over’ something—not even fifty years later. Instead, time conceals. And human beings convert traumatic emotional experiences in childhood into organic disease later in life.” Vincent J. Felitti, MD In the mid-1980s, Dr. Vincent J Felitti and Robert Anda, MD, conducted a study through the […]

Find Resilience with a Pioneering Childhood Trauma Test

“Traumatic events of the earliest years of infancy and childhood are not lost but, like a child’s footprints in wet cement, are often preserved lifelong. Time does not heal the wounds that occur in those earliest years; time conceals them. They are not lost; they are embodied .” VJ Felitti     As a survivor of […]

Childhood Trauma: The Untold Consequences

Trauma \trau-muh\ noun anything that causes emotional or physical pain and leaves its mark on a person as life moves forward. Traumatic events can have a significant impact on our lives. Many people have experienced serious hurt that isn’t obvious to others. I’m not talking about small things like getting the wrong ice cream flavor or someone eating […]