a couple together, the man looks at his phone while the woman is peering over his should. they are laughing and having a great time.

Essential Characteristics Of A Godly Husband!

July 1, 2024

Table of Contents

Are you pondering what qualities you should seek in your future husband? Below, we’ve compiled a list of scriptures and reflections to assist you in identifying the character traits that are actually valuable in a husband. Before we dive into it know that a Godly man must first, love God!

What are the qualities of a husband according to the Bible?

1. A Godly Man Strives To Live Generously

An older couple in the kitchen together, the husband is feeding his wife a cucumber.

Ephesians 5:25-33, MSG: “Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting. Christ’s love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness. And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. They’re really doing themselves a favor—since they’re already “one” in marriage.”

How does this verse illustrate the characteristics of a generous, Godly man?

God’s word provides practical wisdom for husbands, guiding them on how to steward their words, time, and actions in a way that aligns with them loving God and His principles. Let’s break this bible verse down:

“Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church”:
The metaphor here is rich in that Christ’s love for the church epitomizes self-sacrifice. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave everything, including his own life, for the sake of the church. Correspondingly, husbands are pressed to give their all in love for their wives, echoing Christ’s devotion to the church.

“A love marked by giving, not getting”:
This accentuates the selfless nature of love; it’s not about what husbands can receive from their wives but all about what they can give. In examining Christ’s life, we know that He didn’t seek personal gain but gave abundantly, giving Godly man an example to follow.

“Christ’s love makes the church whole”:
Christ’s love changes things. Christ’s overwhelming love didn’t and doesn’t merely exist; it vigorously works to make the church better. Similarly, husbands are called to love in a way that contributes to the fullness and well-being of their wives.

“Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her”:
Christ’s actions and words are intended to elevate the church. Godly Husbands should be intentional in their actions and words, inspiring and exhorting their wives.

“Dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness”:
The imagery portrays the righteousness that results from Christ’s love. A husband’s love should contribute to the spiritual and moral radiance of their wife.

“They’re really doing themselves a favor—since they’re already ‘one’ in marriage”:
The passage concludes by highlighting that by loving their wives in this Christ-like manner, husbands help themselves, as our well-being is intertwined.

What are the characteristics of a Godly man that is generous?

In summary, Ephesians 5:25-33 challenges husbands to love their wives with a sacrificial, transformative, and purposeful love, mirroring Christ’s love for the church. It establishes a high standard for marital relationships, emphasizing the profound impact of love.

2. A Godly Man Is Respectful

An older couple sitting on the couch together, the man puts his phone down as his wife comes.

1 Peter 3:7, NIV: Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

How does this verse illustrate the characteristics of a respectful, Godly man?

God’s word provides practical wisdom for husbands, guiding them on how to interact with their wives in a way that aligns with them loving God and His principles. Let’s break it down.

“Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives”:
“In the same way” refers back to the preceding verses where Peter talks about submitting to authorities and enduring suffering for righteousness. Hence, just as believers are called to live considerately in various contexts, Godly men are specifically instructed to extend this consideration to their wives within the marriage relationship.

“Treat them with respect as the weaker partner”:
This part often raises questions. The term “weaker partner” does not imply inferiority but may refer to physical, emotional, or even societal aspects. It’s a call for husbands to recognize and honor the unique qualities and vulnerabilities of their wives. This doesn’t mean weakness in character or spiritual standing but rather an acknowledgment of differences.

Related Reading: Understand What The Bible Means When It Says Helper & Weaker Partner

“So that nothing will hinder your prayers”:
This is a powerful incentive. Peter suggests that the way husbands treat their wives has a direct impact on their relationship with Christ Jesus. If there is discord or disrespect in the marital relationship, it can hinder the effectiveness of a husband’s prayers. This underscores the interconnectedness of our human relationships and our spiritual growth.

“As heirs with you of the gracious gift of life”:
This is a crucial point. Both husband and wife are joint heirs of God’s grace and the gift of eternal life. It emphasizes the equality of men and women in the sight of God. Recognizing this equality is fundamental to understanding the dynamics of a Christian marriage.

Related Reading: Equal But Different; A Woman’s Purpose

What are the characteristics of a Godly man that is respectful?

In essence, 1 Peter 3:7 is a call for husbands to approach their marital relationship with thoughtfulness, recognizing and respecting the unique qualities of their wives. It highlights the shared inheritance of grace and eternal life, emphasizing the importance of harmony in the marital relationship for a healthy spiritual life.

3. A Godly Man Is An Initiator

a couple sitting together at the kitchen table talking and booking a trip together.

Ephesians 5:25, NIV:Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her

How does this verse illustrate the characteristics of an initiating, Godly man?

God’s word presents a profound analogy, drawing a parallel between the sacrificial love of Christ for the church and the kind of love husbands are called to have for their wives. It essentially sets a high standard for Godly men, calling them to take the lead in selfless love, just as Christ did. While we already touched on this verse, let’s explore what it means to love your wife as Christ loved the church:

Taking the Initiative in Love:
Just as Christ initiated his love for the church, husbands are called to take the lead in expressing love within the marital relationship. This involves not waiting for the other person to act but proactively seeking the best for one’s spouse.

Sacrificial Action:
Christ’s love was not just words; it was demonstrated through action. Similarly, husbands are called to act sacrificially in the best interest of their wives. This could mean making personal sacrifices for the well-being and happiness of their spouse.

Commitment to the Growth and Flourishing of the Spouse:
Christ’s love for the church was transformative. It aimed at the growth and holiness of the church. Likewise, husbands are called to be actively involved in the spiritual, emotional, and personal growth of their wives, fostering an environment where the spouse can flourish.

What are the characteristics of a Godly man that is an intiator?

In essence, Ephesians 5:25 is a call for husbands to take the lead in love within the marriage, just as Christ took the lead in sacrificially loving the church. It’s about setting a standard of love marked by initiative, action, and a commitment to the well-being and growth of the spouse.

4. A Godly Man Is Considerate

a couple sitting on the couch together talking to each other about their day!

1 Corinthians 7:3-4, NIV: The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.

How does this verse illustrate the characteristics of a considerate, Godly man?

God’s word addresses the mutual responsibilities and shared authority within the context of marital intimacy. It emphasizes the idea of mutual submission and selflessness in the physical aspect of the marital relationship.

“The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife”:
This immediately sets the tone for reciprocity in marital relations. The use of the term “fulfill his marital duty” suggests an obligation, but it’s not just a duty for duty’s sake. It’s a duty that is grounded in love and mutual care.

Related Reading: What A Woman Must Have For A Healthy Relationship

“The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife”:
This is a powerful statement about mutual authority and submission. It challenges any notion of dominance or control in marital relationships. The emphasis is on mutual consent and a shared authority over each other’s bodies.

Related Reading: What A Man Must Have For A Healthy Relationship

So, how does the husband please his wife in light of this passage?

Sensitivity and Communication:
A Godly man understands and responds to the needs and desires of his wife using open and vulnerable communication. He listens to her preferences, desires, and concerns regarding the physical, spiritual and emotional aspect of the relationship.

Mutual Consent:
The passage underscores the idea that neither the husband nor the wife has unilateral authority over their own bodies. Pleasing the wife involves seeking and respecting her consent and preferences, ensuring that intimacy is a shared and mutually enjoyable experience.

Emotional Connection:
For many women, emotional connection is intricately linked to physical intimacy. A Godly man pleases his wife not only through physical actions but by fostering emotional closeness and intimacy, creating an environment of trust and security.

Selflessness and Sacrifice:
Pleasing the wife involves a willingness to prioritize her needs and desires. It may require selflessness and a willingness to sacrifice personal preferences for the sake of the spouse’s satisfaction and well-being.

What are the characteristics of a Godly man that is considerate?

In essence, 1 Corinthians 7:3-4 sets a framework for mutual submission and shared authority in the marital relationship, emphasizing the husband’s responsibility to fulfill his marital duty with love, sensitivity, and a deep understanding of his wife’s needs and desires.

5. A Godly Man Is Committed/ Loyal

an older couple sitting together on the couch playing video games together.

Matthew 19:9, MSG: Jesus said, “Moses provided for divorce as a concession to your hard heartedness, but it is not part of God’s original plan. I’m holding you to the original plan, and holding you liable for adultery if you divorce your faithful wife and then marry someone else. I make an exception in cases where the spouse has committed adultery.”

God’s word addresses the topic of divorce and underscores the seriousness of the commitment in marriage, emphasizing God’s original intention for the union. Let’s focus on the commitment Godly men must have to their wives and marriage, regardless of their feelings or thoughts.

How does a Godly man think about commitment?

God’s Original Plan:
Jesus Christ starts by pointing to God’s original intention for marriage—a lifelong, unbreakable union. This implies a level of commitment that goes beyond momentary emotions or personal feelings. Marriage, in its ideal form, is a covenant designed to withstand the tests of time.

Holding to the Original Plan:
Jesus emphasizes that, despite the provision for divorce in Mosaic law due to human hardness of heart, he is holding people accountable to God’s original plan. This implies a call to a deep and unwavering commitment, recognizing marriage as a sacred covenant established by God.

Liable for Adultery:
The gravity of the commitment is underscored by the consequence of divorce and remarriage being likened to adultery. This isn’t to instill fear but to stress the seriousness of the commitment made in marriage. It suggests that breaking that commitment and entering into a new union without valid grounds is considered a breach of the sacred covenant.

Covenant, Not Convenience:
A committed Godly man sees his marriage as a covenant, not a convenient arrangement. Even when feelings waver, the commitment to the covenant remains steadfast.

Prioritizing the Marriage Vows:
Regardless of momentary feelings or thoughts, a committed Godly man upholds the vows made during the marriage ceremony. He sees them as promises to be honored through thick and thin.

What are the characteristics of a Godly man that is considerate?

Seeking Solutions Rather Than Exit:
In the face of challenges, a committed Godly man actively seeks solutions and support rather than resorting to the exit of divorce. This requires resilience rooted in the original plan for marriage.

Forgiveness and Restoration:
Even in the face of betrayal, a committed Godly man considers the possibility of forgiveness and restoration, mirroring God’s grace in the face of human shortcomings.

In essence, Matthew 19:9 underscores the call for a profound commitment to marriage, rooted in God’s original plan. This commitment is not contingent on fleeting feelings or passing thoughts but requires a steadfast dedication to the sacred covenant of marriage.

Related Reading: What Does The Bible ACTUALLY Say About Divorce

Commonly Asked Questions

What are the characteristics of a husband according to Bible?

  1. Generous: The first trait emphasizes an abundance and depth of love that goes beyond the ordinary. A Godly man is a husband who expresses his love lavishly and generously.
  2. Committed/ Loyal: The second trait underscores a strong sense of dedication and loyalty, indicating a Godly man is unwaveringly committed to the well-being and success of the marriage.
  3. Considerate: The third trait highlights a pleasing and considerate disposition, portraying a husband who finds fulfillment in ensuring his wife’s happiness and satisfaction.
  4. Initiative and Leadership: The fourth trait, “He Goes First,” implies a proactive and leadership-oriented approach, describing a husband who takes the initiative in fostering a positive and thriving relationship.
  5. Respectful: The final trait emphasizes a foundation of mutual respect, portraying a husband who treats his wife with esteem, acknowledging her as an equal partner in the relationship.

What does a Godly man look like in today’s society?

To set the tone, a Godly man must love God. A godly man embodies a profound love that surpasses expectations, as he loves God, which results in him loving extravagantly, pouring his heart into the relationship with selfless and boundless devotion. Committed to the core, a Godly man stands unwavering through life’s challenges, steadfast in his dedication to the well-being of his marriage.

As a natural pleaser, a Godly man finds joy in ensuring his wife’s happiness, considering her needs as paramount. Leading by example, a Godly man consistently goes first, taking the initiative to cultivate a strong and harmonious partnership.

Respect is the cornerstone of his actions, treating his wife with the utmost consideration and honoring her as an equal partner in their shared life journey. A godly husband embodies a love that is both tender and firm, founded on commitment, selflessness, leadership, and profound respect, all while being led by the Holy Spirit!


Remember, we are not after a perfect husband but a Godly man who is open and after the things of God.

If you aren’t married, I encourage you to pray for these character traits in your future husband. If you are married, I encourage you to pray that these traits can be fully seen and expressed through your husband.

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