Bible Studies for Women: Embracing More Than Cooking and Cleaning

January 30, 2024

Table of Contents

In the quiet corners of our bustling lives, amidst the myriad roles we play, there exists a sacred space where Christian women gather to explore the timeless wisdom found within the pages of the Bible. A women’s Bible Study is more than just a weekly or monthly gathering; it is a sanctuary where hearts converge, stories intertwine, and a shared journey unfolds. 

Over the next ten weeks, we will start a women’s Bible study to discover a source of inspiration, guidance, and profound connection that transcends time and speaks directly to the depths of our souls. 

Join us on this transformative bible study as we delve into the scriptures, share insights, grow our faith, gain a deeper understanding of God’s word while building a community bound by hope, friendship, and a shared pursuit of spiritual growth. 

What Is The Inspiration For This Women’s Bible Study?

The inspiration for this women’s bible study can be found in this verse: 

Esther 4:12-17, NIV: “When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, he sent back this answer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai:”Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” So Mordecai went away and carried out all of Esther’s instructions.

Before we dive into this bible study verse let’s talk about most bible studies for women.

Bible Studies For Women That Go Beyond the Norm

Confession time: whenever the conversation turns to biblical womanhood – whether women’s bible studies, books, sermons or women’s ministries blogs, my attention tends to drift, as I know what’s coming next: devotional resources and conversation topics from different bible studies that Priscilla Shirer, Sheila Walsh, Kelly Minter, Melissa Spoelstra, or other acclaimed bible teachers wrote or some church organization has done about a Proverbs 31 woman!

While I do believe that a Bible study about this woman is undeniably admirable, as she dedicates her life to her family and faith while possessing some truly commendable qualities, the reality is that the biblical narrative isn’t a one-woman show. Bible studies should do a deep dive into different women that played roles inside and outside of the traditional domestic spheres when fulfilling the purposes of God.

Furthermore, as a woman raising daughters, my aim is to ensure that they don’t limit their understanding of biblical womanhood to domestic duties alone. I want my girls to embrace a broader perspective that acknowledges the diverse and pivotal roles women played in shaping biblical history. By exposing them to stories where women take center stage, we’re nurturing a narrative that reflects women’s strength, wisdom, and influence in God’s grand design.

Related Reading: The True Meaning Of The Word Helper

Why Queen Esther Is An Inspiration For Women’s Bible Studies Everywhere

When we step beyond the confines of the familiar narrative, we encounter a kaleidoscope of stories unveiling the countless dimensions of biblical women. Among these inspiring figures, Queen Esther emerges as a beacon, embodying both femininity and leadership with unparalleled grace. 

Her story intricately weaves together courage, strategic thinking, and unwavering faith, painting a portrait of a woman who defied societal norms to shape the destiny of her people. In the book of Esther, we find a compelling story of feminine strength and a powerful testament to the impactful leadership women can wield in the grand tapestry of God’s plan.

Related Reading: How To Embrace Being A Woman In Today's World

Who Is Queen Esther?

Esther, an orphaned Jewish girl raised by her cousin, was chosen in the King’s search for a new queen, because of her purity and beauty. Her ability to captivate the King’s heart led to her becoming the Queen. Queen Esther, uses her wisdom, beauty, faith and words to change the king’s decree, reshaping the fate of the entire nation.

What Did Queen Esther Do?

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

In this scripture Mordecai, Queen Esther’s cousin, is telling her to stand up for the Jews who were going to be annihilated on a single day. Queen Esther leads all the Jews in Susa to gather and fast for three days. After those three days she would step out in faith and appeal the King’s decision, which should could be killed for. We see Esther 4 finish with these words, “And if I perish, I perish.”

Why A Women’s Bible Study Matters Now More Than Ever

In the landscape of 2024, there persist ungodly and unjust ideas, laws, practices, and crimes that demand a transformation. Christian women and men, seek to align with God’s righteousness but find themselves navigating a world where people deny God’s law and existence in the pursuit of societal justice and acceptance. 

As we collectively strive to shape a better world, it becomes paramount to revisit the stories of remarkable women in the Bible. These women, like Esther, through their power, influence, grace, patience, beauty, and position, not only trust God but also wielded their faith to combat injustices and carve a path towards positive historical change. Their narratives serve as captivating and instructive story that resonate with the same challenges and opportunities we face today.

For Such A Time As This

Esther’s life is vital for Christians seeking an exciting and impactful life, as it assures us that we can live a faith filled life that has meaning and significance without compromising by aligning with different movements or agendas that do not align with the word of God.

I’ve chosen “for such a time as this” from Esther 4:14 as our study’s theme. Just as God appointed Esther for a specific time in history, He has also raised us as women for a purpose in our present day. No matter what your life circumstances are, God has a plan to use you and your story for His work during this particular moment in history.

Recognize that you’re not here by chance, and your life isn’t random. God is actively working around you and through you. Keep an eye out for Him, as you discover where and how he is advancing His kingdom.

All throughout scripture we see God extends an invitation to us to actively participate in His work. As we delve into the stories of these biblical women, I encourage you to search, discover and reflect on how God might be using you right where you are, for His specific purposes.

If you want to have a meaningful impact, draw inspiration from these women and let God work through you in your present circumstances. I’m excited to see how God’s Word will continually inspire and uplift each of us week after week.

An Overview Of Our 10 Week Bible Study

  • Click Here For Week One which will focus on the story of Deborah which can be found in the old testament in the book of Judges.
  • Click Here For Week Two will focus on Ruth which can be found in the Bible book known as Ruth. Ruth will take us on a journey of divine legacy where we witness unbearable loss and the redeeming love of God.
  • Click Here For Week Three will focus on Abigail which can be found in the Bible under 1 Samuel.
  • Click Here For Week Four will focus on Hannah which can be found in the Bible under 1 Samuel.
  • Weeks Five, Six & Seven will focus on Esther which can be found in the Bible book known as Esther.
  • Week Eight will focus on the Widow of Zarephath which can be found in the Bible under 1 Kings (alongside the story of Prophet Elijah).
  • Week Nine will focus on Mary of Bethany which can be found in the Bible under the gospel of John. Mary’s story is a perfect example of what happens when we prioritize Jesus Christ.
  • Click Here For Week Ten which focuses on Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ which can be found in the Bible under the gospel of Luke. Mary’s story shows us how to hear that word of God and live it out in faithfulness, hope and stewardship.

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