Pretty, But Still Single? Here’s Why Your Beauty Isn’t Sealing the Deal!

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Are you sick of being single and wanting to find one? You’re not alone in feeling that way! Countless people share your sentiment and have taken it upon themselves to make changes. From small gestures such as adjusting their attitude about relationships to more difficult sacrifices, these daring individuals have gone out of their way to accomplish something big—finding love.

Here are 11 brutal sacrifices that prove why you’re still single but might also be the missing ingredient to finally land your future special someone.

11 Reasons Why You’re Still Single

1. Your Ego

Our pride and ego are among the biggest obstacles to a successful relationship. We often put our needs and desires above our partners, leading to resentment and conflict. To build a strong relationship, we must let go of our ego and prioritize our partner’s happiness and well-being.

2. Your Desire for Perfection

It’s weird how we can expect perfection from others when we are so far from it. The reality is your spouse will have bad, grumpy, horrible days. They’re not always going to treat you right. They’re going to make mistakes. They will not have it all together.

3. Your Time

In today’s fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity. But if we want to build a strong connection with our partners, we need to be willing to spend quality time with them. This means putting aside our agendas and making time for date nights, weekend getaways, and other shared experiences.

4. Your Independence

While it’s essential to maintain our identity and interests, we must also be willing to compromise and make sacrifices for our partner’s needs. This may mean giving up some of our independence and making joint decisions about our finances, living arrangements, and future plans.

5. Your Bad Habits

We might love our quirks and bad habits, but some of these can be detrimental to a relationship. Whether it’s smoking, excessive drinking, partying, or a short temper, we must acknowledge our flaws and work on improving them for our partner’s happiness and health.

6. Your Energy

We all need “time” to recharge. It could be spending time alone, binge-watching a show, going to do our favorite hobby, or hanging out with friends. But there will be times when we must give up our recharge time to spend quality time together. The couples I admire are often tired but know how to rally to spend time with their loved ones.

7. Your Comfort Zone

Stepping out of our comfort zone can be scary, but it’s also essential for personal growth and relationship building. Whether trying new activities, meeting new people, or facing our fears, we must be willing to take risks and explore new horizons with our partners.  

8. Your Money

Finances are the leading cause of stress in marriages. A conflict will arise if one person is a spender and another is a saver. For couples, sharing income is a new and stressful journey they may be unprepared for. As a couple, this may mean finding ways to be generous and adjusting our spending habits to appease our partner.

9. Your Selfishness

To build a healthy and happy connection with our partners, we need to be willing to put their needs and desires above our own. This means being generous, kind, and considerate, even when it’s not convenient or easy. It’s so easy to focus on ourselves. It takes effort to think about someone else. It takes willpower to put them first.

10. Your Fear of Vulnerability

Vulnerability can be scary, but it’s essential for building trust and intimacy in a relationship. We need to be willing to open up to our partners, share our feelings and fears, and be honest about our needs and desires. This can be uncomfortable sometimes, but it’s gratifying and strengthens our bond with our partner.

11. Your Need to Be Right

I’m right, and you’re wrong! I get so frustrated when I know something to be true, yet someone doesn’t believe me or disagrees. But more often than not, the discussion is about something that doesn’t really matter in the big-picture scheme.


As someone now married, making a few of these sacrifices isn’t the worst thing in the world. Sacrifices aren’t meant to feel like a punishment–they’re often necessary steps one takes toward creating a better life for themselves.

By releasing your ego, perfecting your inhibitions, and focusing on being better rather than right, you can open yourself up to be in companionship with another person.

It’s time to understand that strength doesn’t have to come from doing it all yourself; instead, it can come from understanding when you need help and communal support.

With an optimistic attitude and fresh perspective, these 11 brutal sacrifices can be life lessons that help us become different versions of ourselves, more open and loving individuals willing to grow individually through the power of companionship. If you find this blog helpful, we’d love for you to share it with your community.

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