Resolve Disputes Happily and Easily – 20 Tips for Couples to Manage Conflict at Home Part 3

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20 Tips for Couples to Manage Conflict and Keep Love Alive

Previously, on Conflict Chronicles…

As we embarked on Part Two (which you can read here) of our journey, we delved into the world of eye contact, provided resolutions when you are in the never-ending cycle of fighting, and noted when to take the high road in conflict. We also uncovered why we should avoid exaggerations and finished with how to not layer arguments with past issues. 

Today the Grand Finale!

Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen, because today, we present the final installment of our conflict saga! Ten more fantastic tips await your discovery, all aimed at helping couples master conflict management.

So, buckle up and join us as we dive headfirst into this thrilling conclusion and explore the last ten gems of relationship wisdom!

11. Learn to Focus on One Topic at a Time

Have you ever been in a conversation where you found yourself jumping from one topic to another, unable to fully grasp the essence of the discussion? This happens because our minds are not designed to focus on multiple things simultaneously during an effective conversation.

That’s why focusing on one topic at a time is crucial. 

Doing this allows you to express your feelings and allow your partner to validate and empathize with you, and vice versa.

The Benefits of Focusing on One Topic at a Time

  • Deeper Understanding: By discussing one issue at a time, you’ll be able to delve deeper into the problem and understand each other’s perspectives. This, in turn, will help you develop a more effective solution.

  • Reduced Confusion: When you focus on one topic, it reduces the chances of confusion and misunderstandings. You’ll be able to communicate your thoughts clearly, and your partner will better understand what you’re trying to say.

  • Increased Productivity: By having a focused conversation, you’ll be able to develop a solution more efficiently. This will lead to a more productive and satisfying conversation for both parties.

Focusing on one topic at a time and having a productive conversation can strengthen your bond with your partner and resolve any issues.

12. Learn How to Listen and Connect 

A common mistake couples make is not listening to each other. It’s essential to listen to your partner the same way you listen to your close friends. Being empathetic and understanding towards your partner can create a strong bond that lasts a lifetime.

Why Listening to Your Partner is Important?

Regarding relationships, our partners are the ones closest to us emotionally. We tend to take them for granted, assuming that we know everything about them. However, we must understand that our partners evolve and change over time, just as we do. Listening to your partner can help you grow together and stay connected.

How to Listen to Your Partner Effectively?

  • Give your partner your full attention when they’re talking to you. Avoid all distractions and focus on the conversation.

  • Listen to understand, not to respond. Try to understand your partner’s perspective, even if you don’t agree with it.

  • Take notes if necessary and repeat what you heard. This technique can help you remember what your partner said and show them that you’re listening.

  • Avoid interrupting your partner when they’re speaking. Give them space to express themselves fully before you respond.

  • Ask questions if you’re not sure what your partner means. Clarifying their message can help you avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

Remember that listening is a skill that requires practice. It’s never too late to start working on your communication skills with your partner. By listening to your partner, you can strengthen your relationship and build a deeper connection that lasts a lifetime.

13. Resolve Disagreements Without Attacking Your Partner’s Character

Disagreements and arguments are bound to happen when you’re in a relationship. However, how you communicate during these conflicts can significantly impact your relationship’s outcome and health.

One common communication mistake that can be detrimental to your relationship is attacking your partner’s character instead of addressing the situation at hand. This is an attempt to shift the focus away from the negative consequences of the situation and avoid dealing with it.

Deflecting can be a defense mechanism to avoid feelings of guilt or shame. However, this behavior can be very damaging to your relationship, leading to resentment and a lack of trust.

Using “I” Statements

When you’re in a conflict with your partner, focus on the situation, not attacking their character. This can be achieved by using “I” statements to communicate your emotions effectively. By saying, “I feel ___when you___ because you ___,” you can express your feelings without attacking your partner.

Using “I” statements can help your partner understand your perspective and lead to a more productive conversation. Sticking to communication basics like this is fundamental, especially during a conflict.

Combatting an Attack

If you or your partner does attack each other’s character during a conflict, immediately address it. One way to do this is using the “five positive things” method. This method suggests that the attacker should say five positive things for every negative comment or attack to balance it out.

This method shows how damaging criticism can be in a conflict. Practicing this method can help your partner realize the impact of their words and help them be more mindful in the future.

14. The Importance of Timing in Relationship Communication

Have you ever found yourself in an argument when you’re tired, hungry, or have had too many drinks? If so, you’re not alone. 

These factors can all contribute to heightened emotions and poor decision-making, making it difficult to have a productive conversation.

If you recognize that you or your partner are not in the right headspace for a conversation, it’s best to postpone it until later. This way, the partner who needs to talk about it knows it’s going to be addressed, just not now.

Scheduling the Conversation

Once you’ve identified the need for a conversation, find a mutually agreeable time to have it. This might involve setting aside specific time on the calendar or finding a time when both partners are available and free from distractions.

When scheduling the conversation, it’s essential to consider both partners’ needs and preferences. For example, if one partner is a morning person and the other is a night owl, it might be best to schedule the conversation when both partners are feeling their best.

Preparing for the Conversation

In addition to finding the right time for the conversation, it’s also essential to prepare for it. This might involve taking some time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings before the conversation or gathering any information that might be helpful to share.

Ensure you’re not famished, exhausted, or feeling under the weather before the conversation. Taking care of your physical needs can help you stay focused and present during the conversation, leading to better outcomes.

15. Learn How to Criticize Without Damaging Your Relationship

When you’re feeling angry or frustrated, it can be difficult not to criticize your partner. However, constantly criticizing your partner can have a negative impact on your relationship. It can cause your partner to feel attacked, hurt, or defensive, leading to a breakdown in communication and trust.

The Importance of Vulnerable Sharing

Resolving issues within a relationship requires vulnerable sharing. This means sharing parts of ourselves that we view as a ‘weakness‘ or revealing things that make us feel insecure or anxious. It’s not easy, but it’s having difficult, uncomfortable conversations around criticism that can lead to resolution.

Opening up and sharing our emotions can increase intimacy and connection within our relationship. When we share our vulnerabilities, we allow our partners to see us for who we truly are, and this can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other.

The Negative Effects of Criticism

Criticizing can be a way for your partner to show power and control a situation. This can cause your partner to feel belittled or unappreciated, leading to resentment and a lack of trust. In addition, criticism can cause your partner to withdraw emotionally, leading to a breakdown in communication and intimacy.

How to Express Your Needs

Start by expressing yourself by naming the emotion you feel when your partner does x; then, articulate how your partner can meet your needs. By doing this, you’re expressing your emotions and providing a solution to the problem versus outright criticizing your partner for either not doing something or doing something wrong.

  • Express how you feel in a non-confrontational way

  • Be clear about what you need from your partner

  • Listen to your partner’s perspective

  • Work together to find a solution that works for both of you

16. Disagree without Bad-Mouthing Family

It’s not uncommon for couples to have disagreements and arguments from time to time. Unfortunately, during these heated moments, it’s easy to say things we regret later. One common mistake that couples make is bad-mouthing each other’s family.

The Consequences of Criticizing Your Partner’s Family

When you involve your spouse’s family in a criticizing way, you’re not only disparaging your partner but also his/her family. Even if the statement is factually true, family is a boundary that generally should not be crossed or used during a conflict.

Angry people tell their spouses things they would never say during times of rationality, and then it becomes a game of ‘one upping’ that is very wounding. Although you may have a point, this is not the moment to reveal your insights.

The Importance of Boundaries in a Relationship

Every relationship has boundaries that should be respected. Bad-mouthing your partner’s family during a fight not only crosses that boundary but can also cause long-term damage to your relationship.

  • It can create resentment and hurt feelings towards you and your family.

  • It can cause your partner to feel defensive and less willing to work towards a resolution.

  • It can lead to a breakdown in communication and trust.

How to Handle Hurt Feelings

Once things have cooled off, the person who was wounded needs to inform their partner of how hurt they feel. This allows both partners to work towards a resolution and move past the hurt feelings. Fighting is never the time to psychoanalyze your partner or to bring family into the argument.

Remember, respect and boundaries are crucial in any relationship. By avoiding bad-mouthing your partner’s family, you show that you value and respect their family and their relationship with them.

17. Take Responsibility for Your Role

When conflicts arise, taking responsibility for your actions and acknowledging your role in the situation is crucial. This helps resolve the conflict and strengthens the relationship with your partner.

Owning Up to Mistakes

Taking responsibility for your mistakes can be difficult, but it’s a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows your partner that you’re willing to accept your part in the altercation and work towards a solution.

By owning up to your mistakes, you’re taking steps toward preventing the same conflict from happening again. It also allows you to learn from your mistakes and grow as an individual.

Refusing to Take Responsibility

However, some people may find taking responsibility for their actions challenging. They may refuse to acknowledge their mistakes and continue to blame others.

This response could be due to past trauma, such as rejection, betrayal, blame, or abuse. They may see themselves as the victim in the situation, and taking responsibility feels like admitting defeat.

Recognizing the Cause

It’s essential to recognize why you may be refusing to take responsibility. Reflect on your past experiences and the impact they may have had on your behavior.

By acknowledging the root cause of your actions, you can work towards healing and improving your relationships. It’s a step towards taking control of your life and overcoming any past trauma.

18. Overcome Defensiveness and Build a Mutual Understanding

A common pitfall of any relationship is getting defensive. It can happen to anyone at any time, leading to a breakdown in communication and trust. When one person in a relationship becomes defensive, it’s not just unfair to them but also to their partner and their relationship as a whole.

Take a Step Back and Reflect

If you get defensive during a conversation with your partner, take a step back and reflect on why you feel this way. Ask yourself if there was a time in your life when you felt similar to the way you do now. Sometimes, being “triggered” by something means that there’s a historical component to address. If that’s the case, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a therapist.

Slow Down and Validate

It’s natural to feel defensive when someone is upset with you. However, instead of immediately becoming defensive, try slowing the conversation down. Repeat what you heard to ensure that you actually understood what was said. 

Then, validate what was said and empathize with your partner. Put yourself in their shoes and think about how they may feel in this situation. Doing this will increase intimacy and emotional connection.

  • Reflect on why you’re feeling defensive

  • Slow the conversation down

  • Repeat what you heard to ensure understanding

  • Validate what was said

  • Empathize with your partner

19. Navigate Relationship Differences with Compassion 

In a healthy partnership, each individual should have unique differences. After all, if two people were the same, they would not be a good match. Embracing and celebrating these differences is key to building a strong and lasting relationship.

Understanding Conflict in Relationships

One approach to understanding conflict in relationships is through Imago Couples Therapy. This therapy recognizes that people react in one of two ways during conflicts: as a turtle or a tiger.

  • A turtle instinctively withdraws into their shell when faced with conflict.

  • A tiger is the aggressor, ready to pounce on the problem.

While two tigers in a partnership would result in constant fighting and two turtles would lead to a lack of communication and a dying relationship, a turtle and a tiger make for an optimal match.

Focus on Common Ground

When it comes to building a successful partnership, focus on the end goal rather than on the differences that may exist between individuals. Remaining positive and identifying what both parties agree on can help strengthen the bond and create a lasting partnership. Celebrate and embrace each other’s differences and work towards a common goal together.

20. Learn How to Use Tone

Communication allows us to express our thoughts, feelings, and needs while also understanding those of our partner. However, sometimes, effective communication can be challenging, especially when emotions run high. Yelling is a common way people express their emotions, but it’s not always the best communication method.

The Dangers of Yelling

Yelling during a conversation can escalate the situation and indicate a loss of control. When someone is yelling, they often can’t listen or understand the other person’s perspective. This communication breakdown can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and even damage the relationship.

Once yelling begins, take a time-out to allow both parties to calm down. Separating and taking some time to cool off can help both parties return to the conversation with a clearer mind.

Effective Communication Techniques

When you’re ready to restart the conversation, try going for a walk with your partner. Walking outdoors can help relieve stress, and moving while talking can make the conversation feel less intense.

It’s also essential to keep your tone in check during conversations. 

Speaking loudly or yelling can indicate aggression or defensiveness, which can make the other person feel attacked. Instead, use a softer tone, even if you feel passionate about the topic.

A softer tone can help the other person feel heard and understood, leading to a more productive conversation.

The Power of Tone in Communication

Tone is a powerful tool in communication, and it’s essential to use it effectively. A soft tone can indicate a desire to connect and understand, while a harsh tone can indicate aggression and defensiveness.

Remember to keep your tone in check when communicating with your partner, take breaks when necessary, and be willing to listen and understand. With these techniques, you can navigate difficult conversations and build a more meaningful relationship.


Communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, and with mindfulness and practice, we can all learn to communicate more effectively. Taking the time to understand each other’s perspectives and feelings will help strengthen our relationships and keep them healthy. 

As we navigate through disagreements, it’s essential to give ourselves permission to express ourselves without attacking each other’s character perceptions or values. 

Lastly, always turn to your partner with a willingness to forgive, understand and listen before reacting emotionally. We can create radically compassionate spaces for our relationships by learning how to listen, be honest and vulnerable for us both to feel heard and understood. 

Ultimately, communication is key to fostering deeper levels of understanding within any relationship. 

Remember: share the love, subscribe often, and comment thoughtfully – and we’ll see you tomorrow for more!

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