How to (Really) Practice Self Love: 7 Areas To Focus On

How to Practice Self Love SELF-LOVE self-love \, self-luhv \ n. The active practice of accepting, caring for, and encouraging oneself. Just as water and air are vital to survival, so, too, is the need to love and be loved. Is it possible that a primary part of this necessity is the ability to love oneself? Although not a new […]

9 Surprising Ways We Hurt Our Spouses Without Knowing

Nine Ways to Betray a Lover The devastation of sexual disloyalty is not the only breach of trust that can ruin a relationship. Other forms of betrayal can be just as damaging as an affair but too often go unrecognized or minimized, including by the victim. We all have heard someone say their partner has “changed,” or they have “grown […]

Boundary Breakthrough: Why Setting Boundaries Is a Game-Changer!

The Missing Link to Deeper Intimacy Revealed! And this is one of the major questions of our lives: how we keep boundaries, what permission we have to cross boundaries, and how we do so.    What is a boundary in relationship? Irrespective of your gender, safety is a fundamental prerequisite for feeling and expressing emotions […]