Enhance Your Love Life with Experiential Intimacy: Here’s How!

Intimacy typically implies a state of shared vulnerability, transparency, and exchange. It’s frequently found in close, affectionate relationships like marriages and friendships. While the term can occasionally be associated with sexual encounters, intimacy isn’t necessarily tied to sexual activities. Intimacy is crucial for maintaining a vibrant social life. As social beings, humans flourish through close […]

Four Steps to Ignite the Spark: Building Emotional Intimacy Like Never Before!

Four Steps To Building Emotional Intimacy Building intimacy with someone means getting close enough to know them very well. If we don’t get close enough, we miss important parts that make each person unique. But if we get too close, to the point where we lose our individuality—like new lovers who let their boundaries fall […]

Is Your Fear of Intimacy Sabotaging Your Love Life and Happiness?

What Is Intimacy? It’s that wonderful feeling of closeness and connection we all crave in our relationships. What Are The Different Types Of Intimacy? Yes, there are different types of intimacy that individuals can experience in their relationships. Intimacy refers to the close connection between two people. Here are some different types of intimacy: Physical intimacy: […]

What is intellectual connection?

Ever had a conversation that left you feeling more connected than any embrace could? That’s the magic of intellectual intimacy. In a world often focused on physical and emotional closeness, we sometimes overlook the profound bond that forms when two minds engage deeply. This article dives into the essence of intellectual intimacy, shedding light on […]

A Comprehensive Exploration of Intimacy in Relationships

If I asked you to define intimacy, what would you say? What does it mean to you? And what about your partner? Have you ever taken the time to define it, to discuss it together? It’s a fascinating concept that often gets misunderstood in our society. Many people think it’s only about sexual intimacy between […]

Emotional Intimacy 101: Understanding and Cultivating Deep Connections

Welcome to Simply Midori’s intimacy journey! Our mission with this blog series is to equip you with the essential tools for cultivating stronger intimacy in your relationship. Thus far, we’ve explored its meaning and different types and even provided you with a curated list of the best resources to deepen your understanding. Today’s blog will […]

Nurturing Love: Bible Verses in Relationships for Guidance

Bible Verses About Relationships: How Scripture Can Help us Navigate All Types of Relationships Faith plays a significant role in one’s life, so it’s natural to be a cornerstone of our relationships. Whether single, dating or happily married, remember that God has an incredible plan for you and your future partner. Embracing Jesus Christ will […]

Best Christian Dating Books of All Time

Best Christian Dating Books of All Time Christian Books to Read if You Are Single or Dating Navigating a single life is tricky. Dating is a challenging task for many singles as they face changing circumstances. Can you list the things God has done this season in your life? What’s the best time for singleness […]

Embrace Womanhood: Uncover Your Purpose

Embrace Womanhood: Uncover Your Purpose This is part II of the series on Womanhood. In case you missed part 1: Womanhood, the Meaning of It All The purpose of this blog series is to: Encourage you Help you understand more about yourself  Clarify why you are the way you are If a woman doesn’t know […]

4 Relationship Myths That Lead to Bickering & Divorce

Divorce Myths Debunked: Unraveling the Truth About the End of Marriage Countless couples are currently caught in the midst of marital turmoil. Perhaps, in reading this, you also find yourself amidst this struggle.  You probably entered marriage with soaring hopes, never anticipating a life of misery; you cherished dreams of unparalleled happiness in matrimony. No […]

Everything You Need to Know About Ghosting

Ghosting Explained – The Manual Relationships have always been complex, but in today’s modern era, the landscape of love has become more intricate and complicated than ever before. As we navigate the mostly digital world of dating, with the proliferation of various dating apps, the dynamics of a relationship and romantic connections have irrevocably changed. […]

Redefining Self-Love: Replacing Self-Esteem with Compassion

Why Compassion, Not Self-Esteem, is the Key to Loving Yourself Self-Acceptance Self-Care Self-Compassion Self-Love Self-Esteem Self-Worth Self-Intimacy In the self-esteem paradigm, your opinion of yourself is contingent on how well you measure up against others. Still, your self-image is as changeable as the weather — you feel confident in the morning, and then someone else […]

What Is Love Bombing? 9 Signs In A New Relationship

Am I unknowingly love bombing or being love bombed? Love bombing is a cunning tactic employed by individuals who bombard you with overwhelming displays of attention and affection early. While initially, it may appear positive in a romantic relationship, this insidious phenomenon can lead to gaslighting and abusive behavior. Experts in psychology warn that narcissists […]

Mindful Mornings: 5 Psalms To Help You Find Peace and Purpose

Find Peace and Purpose With These 5 Psalms Have you ever woken up with your mind racing and couldn’t shake off that heavy feeling? It happens to the best of us. With so many things going on, it’s easy to feel anxious and overwhelmed, even when we know God’s got our back. But here’s some […]

Busting the Myth: Is Divorce Really Better for the Kids?

It’s no secret that many young adults dream of marriage, but the pain they experienced from their parent’s divorce has made them anxious about taking the plunge. The prospect of marriage can seem scary, but fear not! Despite being statistically more likely to repeat our parents’ mistakes, we are not doomed to do so. There […]

Take Control Of Your Parenting Journey with These 27 Crucial Questions

27 Important Questions for Parents Raising Healthy and Happy Children Are you feeling overwhelmed by your parenting journey? Navigating our children’s lives can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! With the right information, support, and mindset, each of us has the power to transform into an empowered parent. Taking control of your parenting […]

The 4 Detrimental Fighting Habits That Lead to Divorce Pt. 4

Don’t Let These Fighting Patterns Destroy Your Relationships Relationships are like plants – they require care and attention to thrive. However, sometimes couples unknowingly engage in behaviors that can slowly erode their connection, leading to resentment and pain. This blog series explores four destructive patterns that can wreak havoc on even the strongest relationships. Part […]

Uncovering the Science Behind Our Hearts’ Decisions – Is Love Really Blind?

The Science of Love: Is it Really Blind? There’s a reason why Shakespeare’s quote, “love is blind,” has stood the test of time.  We’ve all been there – head over heels for someone, ignoring all the warning signs and red flags. It’s a phenomenon explored in countless movies, books, and even reality TV shows (hello, Love […]