10 Sensual Sex Positions For Arousing and Intense Pleasure

Sensual Sex

Intimacy transcends mere physicality or emotions; it embraces a multi-dimensional essence that interconnects the four facets of a human: the intellectual, the emotional, the spiritual, and the physical. There are ways to build intimate connections in each of these areas, and as we nurture and harmonize them, they synergistically enhance the ultimate intimate act, making love. Making love is seen as a deep […]

Tips To Better Understand and Apply the Five Primary Love Languages

Learn how to understand, speak and act in your partner’s love language to strengthen and deepen your relationship. Explore ways you can use each love language to express your feelings for your partner. From making meaningful gestures to engaging in meaningful conversations, discover how expressing your love in the language that speaks most to them can bring you closer together.

Top 5 Date Night Outfits to Make a Lasting Impression

Date night is the perfect opportunity to show off your style and make a lasting impression. But with so many beautiful outfit ideas out there, it can be hard to decide which one is best for date night.  The right date night attire will help you feel confident and express your personal style while making […]

5 Keys to Keeping Your Marriage Strong: Practical Advice for Building a Lifelong Relationship

Traditionally marriage is what comes next in most relationships. But amid the excitement of planning for wedded bliss comes the daunting reality couples face when dealing with two different lives coming together – habits and belongings all needing to coexist peacefully! Unfortunately, conditions aren’t always so harmonious; divorce has become an accepted solution despite its once-taboo status. 

@ Simply Midori, want to equip you with five ways to keep your marriage strong and take divorce back off the table! 

8 Expert Tips for Finding Love in the Digital Era

Are you ready to find love in the digital era? With so many changes happening in the world of dating, it can be tough to keep up. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Here are 8 expert tips for finding love in today’s digital age. From meeting someone new online to staying connected after the first […]

Transform Your Marriage Today: 25 Common Problems and Their Solutions

25 Common Marriage Problems and Their Solutions Are you struggling in your marriage and feel like there’s no hope for change? Do you wish there was a way to repair and restore the love you once shared with your partner? Take heart – transformation, and renewal are absolutely possible! In part one of this series, […]

The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Proposal Perfect

The Ultimate Proposal Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide to Pop the Life-Altering Question So, you’ve finally reached the decision that your partner is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. Congratulations!  Now, it’s time for the next big step: planning the perfect proposal. The pressure to make everything go smoothly can […]

Establishing Compatibility: The Biblical Meaning of Being Equally Yoked

What does it mean to be equally yoked in a relationship, and why is it important when dating? Let’s explore the biblical context of being equally yoked, its importance for couples who practice different religions, and how to establish if you are truly compatible with your partner. What are the practical implications of being equally yoked? How does this benefit both partners in a relationship? 

How Often Do Couples Have Sex? Unpacking the ‘Normal’ Myth

What’s the Magic Number? The Truth About Sex in Long-Term Relationships Let’s admit it; we’ve all wondered about it. How much sex is enough sex in a long-term relationship? Is there even such a thing as a “normal” amount? Well, we’ve got the answers you’re looking for. At the start of a relationship, it’s all fireworks and […]

Transform Your Marriage Today | 25 Common Problems and Their Solutions Part 2

25 Common Marriage Problems and Their Solutions Feeling Stuck in Your Marriage? There’s Hope! Are you struggling in your marriage and feeling like there’s no way forward? Wishing you could repair and restore the love you once shared with your partner? Take heart – transformation, and renewal are absolutely possible! In part one of this […]

How to Build a Strong and Christ-Centered Marriage

Perfect Christ-Centered Marriage Hey there!  Before I married, I knew clearly what a Christ-centered relationship entailed. Growing up, I saw my parents’ example and knew I wanted something different.  My mom was committed to the church, tithing, serving, and raising us to love the Lord. My dad, on the other hand, only occasionally attended church. So, naturally, I […]

How To Find Contentment And Peace In The Single Life

The Struggle of Singleness: Learning to Be Content But Not Always Happy Singlehood can be a tricky thing.  You’re on your own, free to do what you want when you want it.  But when you’re getting older and want to start a family, it can feel like you’re running out of time. I have a […]

Say Goodbye to Insecurity in Your Relationship

Insecurities: The Unwanted Relationship Guest There you are in a relationship that seems perfect, with a partner who checks all the right boxes. Yet, somehow, the nagging feeling of insecurity still creeps in, whispering in your ear and making you question if you’re with the right person. Well, my friend, you’re not alone. Insecurity can […]

55 Terrific Day Date Ideas for Married, Single and Dating Couples to Enjoy

The Dating Dilemma Where should we go? This is the #1 question that couples across the world ask each other. The default answer for most people would be to go for the classic “dinner and drinks” nighttime date. Perhaps you’re looking to spice things up and go beyond the standard dinner/drinks combo; you’ll find that […]

Creative Last Minute Valentine’s Ideas for Loved Ones

It’s the night before Valentine’s Day, and you’re running short on budget, time, or both. Don’t worry! You can still make this day memorable for your loved one with budget-friendly last-minute Valentine’s Day gifts and ideas showing them how much you care. From romantic gestures to creative surprises, this guide will help you find the perfect last-minute present or picture that won’t break the bank but will make a lasting impression. So don’t panic—let us provide easy and budget-friendly options to celebrate love this Valentine’s Day!

25 Essential Questions to Ask Before Starting a New Relationship

Starting a new relationship is an exciting time, full of questions and possibilities. But it can also be nerve-wracking, as you try to figure out if this person could be your perfect match. To help make sure the connection between you and your partner is strong and lasting, it’s important to ask questions that will reveal more about who they are and what they want from the relationship.  From discovering shared values to discussing expectations for the future, these questions can open meaningful conversations that will deepen your understanding of each other. This article provides 20 essential questions to ask before starting a new relationship – so you can build a strong foundation for love!

104 Reasons I Love My Husband Every Day

104 Reasons I Love My Man! No matter what stage of your relationship, the love between a man and woman can be an incredible source of joy to both parties. Whether it’s been five or fifty years, every man wants to know you appreciate them. One of the best ways to do that is really […]

How To Cope With A Broken Heart

Navigating Breakups, Heartaches, and Lost Connections Breakups, heartaches, and lost connections can be some of the most difficult times in our lives. They can leave us feeling helpless, alone, and overwhelmed with sadness. But it is possible to cope with these experiences and move on healthily. This article will discuss different strategies for managing negative […]

Are You Moving Too Fast In Your Relationship? Here’s How To Find Out | Simply Midori

Relationships: When the Honeymoon Phase is Too Much It’s so easy to get swept up in the excitement of a new relationship. The butterflies, the giddy conversations, the never-ending date nights… it’s enough to make even the most level-headed person feel a bit overwhelmed. But sometimes, things can move too quickly and leave us feeling […]