15 Ways To Love Your Husband Unconditionally in the Era of Social Media and Comparison

Hey there, readers! Welcome back to the series on the fifteen ways to love your husband unconditionally. Last time, we talked about the first six here.

Today, we’re diving into the following nine!

Let’s dive in:

7. Master the Art of Forgiveness in Your Relationship

Forgiving and forgetting is an essential aspect of loving someone. Your partner may sometimes hurt you with their words or actions, not realizing the hurt they cause. However, unconditional love demands that you forgive them for their shortcomings and move forward as if nothing happened.

Chances are high that your significant other has said some things that sting, or perhaps they do something that makes you feel undervalued. These moments are inevitable if you have been married for any length of time.

Our parents, friends, and cheesy TV shows have been telling us since we were kids to “forgive and forget.” But let’s be honest, that’s easier said than done.

So, here’s a little story to show you how these moments typically happen in a relationship, displaying why taking a step back is crucial. Meet Midori (Hi) and Joshua, a couple who knows a thing or two about how to make their love work.

When Joshua’s Words Hurt Midori

One day, Joshua unintentionally said something that really hurt Midori. Now, Joshua, being the lovable, clueless guy he is, had no idea that his words had such an impact. Conversely, Midori was hurt but knew she loved Joshua and wanted to work through it.

Let’s Pause For A Moment…

When people hurt us, especially our spouse, we have two options.

We can believe the worst, i.e., they did it intentionally; they knew exactly what and how to say it to hurt me.


We can assume the best, believing that their intention was not to hurt me, and if they understood how detrimental their words were, they would have never said it!

Because you are married, I hope you choose the latter, and if you need some more convincing, perhaps go and read 4 Fighting Habits That Lead To Divorce Part 3. This article goes in depth about the damaging effects of assuming the worst.

Okay, back to this article…

Now Midori chooses to believe the best about her husband; therefore, instead of holding a grudge and simmering in anger, Midori decides to talk to Joshua about how his words made her feel. Joshua, of course, was shocked and immediately apologized. He had no idea he had caused Midori any pain.

In moments like these, it’s essential to remember the idea of unconditional love. It’s about seeing past the shortcomings and mistakes of our partners and loving them as if nothing happened. Midori knew this and forgave Joshua, showing him her unconditional love.

When our partners hurt us, it’s crucial to have open communication and to understand that they may not have realized the impact of their actions.

8. The Land of Love and Respect

“Your husband will rise or lower to whatever level is expected of him. As his wife, you choose. You can lift him up and encourage him or beat him down for what he’s doing wrong.”

To clarify: All men desire to please their wives. But, men will ONLY live up to the expectations that women set for them. If those expectations are low, men will not put much effort into exceeding them.

A husband is most vulnerable with his wife, revealing his weaknesses and insecurities. A wife sees the man at his “perceived” lowest point. Most men consider themselves to be weak when they share any vulnerability.

Hence as his wife, your opinion holds significant weight, as he doesn’t share these moments with anyone else. As women, we must realize our power. We have the ability to crush or inspire him to achieve great heights with a single comment.

The power we have as women is a large part of showing respect to our husbands- perhaps the greatest need that men have.

For men, respect is even more important than love. It’s ingrained in their souls, so young men go out and kill each other over the issue of respect and disrespect.

How to Respect Your Husband: A Recipe for Respect

Women can show respect to their husbands by frequently telling them how much they appreciate them, value them, and constantly reminding and encouraging them of their potential!

If your husband does something you like or admire, tell him, “I really admire that you did that.”

That is huge to a man.

Tell him he’s a good man; they never hear that.

That’s what they all want; they want to be known as good men in your eyes, the eyes of the person that could perceive them as weak!

If a wife can show the respect and admiration that her husband needs and craves, she can use that to influence him in many different ways.

As women, we often turn to other means of influencing the men in their lives through nagging, complaining, or using sex as a weapon.

However, none of these will give the results that women desire.

Empowering the men in our lives isn’t difficult; it simply requires speaking their language and highlighting their strengths. As wives, we possess the unique ability to inspire our husbands to believe in themselves. By offering respect and encouragement, we hold the keys to unlocking their full potential. Let’s elevate the men in our lives and watch them flourish.

Book Recommendation on Respect: The Man Whisperer: Speaking Your Man’s Language to Bring Out His Best

9. Unconditional Love: Believe You Deserve Your Love Story

Love for your partner cannot grow without first loving yourself. Acknowledging your own worth and happiness is essential before offering it to someone else. You cannot give what you don’t have.

I struggled with a deep-rooted belief of unworthiness that manifested subconsciously, hindering all attempts to achieve contentment. As a result, I battled with persistent, high- levels of extreme excitement and low levels of depression. I experienced perpetual anxiety with no identifiable cause. Whether these beliefs are subconscious or conscious, the consequences remain the same – a gradual decline in the quality of life.

When we struggle to love ourselves, loving others unconditionally is impossible.

My newfound confidence allowed me to honestly believe in our love story as I started to think that I deserved happiness.

It’s hard to be happy when you do not think you deserve it!

A Key Unconditional Love: Belief in Your Relationship

The secret to achieving this powerful connection is simple: believe in yourself, your partner, and your love for one another. This self-assurance will give you the courage to love without reservations and fight for the happiness you both deserve.

If you’re seeking ways to love your husband unconditionally, begin by having faith in him and your love. Through the journey of cultivating inner love and confidence, your relationship can blossom into a beautiful and everlasting partnership. Remember, the path to unconditional love starts with believing in the strength of your bond. Trust in your love, and it will conquer all obstacles.

10. Building Strong Bonds with Your Best Friend: Spend Quality Time Together

Think back to your favorite memories with your spouse. Maybe it’s that time you went on an epic road trip, or when you both got caught in the rain and laughed hysterically, or those early days when you’d stay up all night talking, laughing, and discovering new things about each other. Ah, the memories.

Happy memories are the glue that holds your relationship together.

But who says those days have to be a thing of the past? Keep the flame alive by finding ways to enjoy each other’s company, whether it’s trying out a new hobby together, going on spontaneous trips, or simply having a good old-fashioned date night.

Your spouse is not just your life partner but also your best friend.

Nurturing your friendship is key to a lasting and fulfilling relationship. Prioritize spending quality time with your best friend, making happy memories, and strengthening your unconditional love.

Plan adventures together, create traditions, and try to experience new things as a couple. These shared experiences will bring you closer together but also give you a treasure trove of memories to look back on and cherish forever.

11. Be Selfless; Put Him First

This is where unconditional love becomes harder than it usually is, the fact that you will have to love him unconditionally will mean that you must put him first before you most of the time.

It’s about putting him first, even when it’s tough.

Unconditional love involves a continual embrace of asking, “What more can I do for him today?”

It’s about figuring out your man’s wants and showing him that you’ll always be there for him. In the roller coaster ride of life, there will be moments of laughter, moments of fear, and moments of pure joy. But no matter what life throws your way, you’ll always have each other’s backs, making your love unbreakable.

So, make him your top priority, no matter what life throws your way! In the end, it’s all about embracing the journey and enjoying that roller coaster ride together. And remember, it’s not just about the destination, but the thrilling adventure of loving your husband, hand in hand, every step of the way.

12. Let’s Get Physical

One of the best ways to love your man unconditionally is through physical intimacy. And I don’t just mean in the “wham, bam, thank you, ma’am” kind of way. No, we’re talking about turning up the heat in the bedroom and setting it ablaze with passion!

Make It All About Him

Discover what he enjoys in bed and take action on it. Make your lovemaking sessions all about his pleasure and desires. This doesn’t mean neglecting your needs but finding a beautiful balance between the two of you.

13. Space Matters; Give Him Some

This usually sounds weird, but it is the truth in its purest form – sometimes, the best way to show love is to leave him alone. There will always be things that your man wants to do by HIMSELF!

So, loving him unconditionally involves giving him the space to do those things without holding a grudge. The advantage here is he will come back happier, and that happiness will radiate on your marriage.

14. Be the Pillar of Support Your Man Needs

As you face the challenges that life throws at you, remember that your support can be your partner’s biggest strength. Whether it’s providing emotional support during difficult times, or celebrating their achievements with a proud smile, your unwavering belief in them can propel them to reach new heights.

So stand strong, and be the foundation your partner leans on when the going gets tough. With your support, they can achieve anything they set their mind to. Together, you can conquer the world and build an empire that will stand the test of time.

15. Celebrate Your Partner: How to Show Your Love and Devotion

Relationship experts often use the term “sculpt” to describe the impact of positive and negative experiences that shape a couple’s dynamic. This “sculpting” can either enhance or restrict the growth of a relationship by reinforcing patterns of behavior.

Partners can reach their fullest potential and build a stronger bond when they celebrate and support each other. Ultimately, it is up to us to celebrate our significant other and cultivate a fulfilling partnership.

Here are three ways you can celebrate your spouse:

See Something Good, Say Something

Have you ever found yourself always pointing out faults to your spouse? You’re not alone! Negative experiences seem to stick, while positive ones tend to evade our memory. But here’s the good news: You can rewire your brain to focus on the good stuff! All you need to do is start noticing the positive things about your partner and tell them about it.

Something as simple as “thank you” or “I appreciate you” can go a long way in reinforcing a positive dynamic in your relationship. Don’t wait for big things to happen; start seizing opportunities to shower your partner with compliments and appreciation!

Celebrate the Good Times with Your Partner for a Happier Relationship

Studies show that we tend to focus more on discussing negative events with our significant other rather than sharing positive news. But a simple solution to improve your relationship and boost happiness is to celebrate good news daily, even small wins.

Whether it’s your partner’s fitness accomplishment or a positive interaction at work, actively and genuinely respond to their achievements. Doing so willl strengthen your bond and create a positive atmosphere in your marriage. Couples who prioritize celebrating positive experiences are the happiest together.

Create an “Awe Wall” to Combat Pessimism in Your Life

We have a solution for those who tend to expect the worst and see the worst. Create an “awe wall” filled with happy memories, photos, and poems. It’s a dynamic board that is constantly changing and sparking conversations. Focusing on the positive can create a celebratory spirit and lead to lasting change.


It is not always easy to keep up a strong and healthy relationship. It is, however, possible with conscious effort put in by both partners. 

Forgiveness can be challenging but manageable through understanding and empathizing with another’s perspective and background. Respect your partner no matter what; cultivate unconditional love for yourself and him; spend time together often, be selfless and put your partner first; offer physical affection in positive ways; give space if necessary; be the pillar of support when your partner needs it; then share lots of love and celebrate life with them! 

Your dedication to making each other happy will make building a successful relationship all the more rewarding. So keep going strong, have faith in each other and promote positivity over pessimism. Remember: share the love, subscribe often, comment thoughtfully – and we’ll see you tomorrow for more!

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